Mistakes are made

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 Im still thinking about that note and Jonah, I can't believe he said I WAS his best friend what does I WAS mean... but after what happened yesterday im pretty sure he doesn't ever want to talk to me. Remember how I said I know who the note came from well.. it turns out that I actually don't. The note wasn't from Katie, it was someone else.


 When class finished I ran into the bathroom thinking of a way to confront Katie about the note, but while I was in the middle of thinking about how to confront Katie the bathroom doors opened and you won't believe it but it was Katie and she looked a little scared. Then she looked at me and said "You got one too" but before she finished her sentence I did something very very stupid I slapped her and yelled "WHY DID YOU SENT ME THIS NOTE! WHY IS JONAH NOT MY BEST FRIEND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU TURNED HIM AGAINST ME! AND YOU KNEW THAT I-" but before I finished that sentence the doors banged open and it was a teacher Katie ran out the bathroom and I got in trouble not because I slapped Katie but because I was yelling so loud they thought that I was being murdered or something. After I was done being lectured, Jonah came up to me and said "why did you do that? are you jealous? do you want to know why im, not your best friend, huh answer me, do you? My eyes filled with tears as he said that, that was the first time Jonah was mad at me. I didn't know what to do so I just turned away and went to my next class which was lunch.

When I arrived in the lunch room I realized there was nowhere to sit everyone had their own groups, and Jonah he was sitting with Katie and his new friends, it was pretty obvious that he didn't want to talk to me. The only place I could actually eat was in the bathroom, so I got my lunch and sat in the bathroom stall. As I was in the middle of finishing my lunch someone came in the bathroom and through the crack of the door I could see that it was Katie, she was looking at something and it looked just like the note I got, and that's when I came out the stall and looked at her, she looked back at me and hid the note then I told her "there's no point in hiding the note I got one too, i-im really sorry for what I did earlier I wasn't thinking straight". then she looks at the note than me and said: "it's ok, so you got a note too, let me guess you slapped me because you thought I wrote the note, you know im, not a crazy girlfriend". I felt embarrassed I couldn't believe I had the wrong person, it wasn't amber. "wait so who is it, I mean it has to be someone who likes Jonah I guess".  When I said that Katie had a look on her face when she said "it might be you, I mean you do like him right" I was shocked when she said that and then said "I mean i- wait why would it be me and besides you like Jonah and he likes you, he probably thinks of me as a former best friend". Then she looked at me and said 'whatever you think, but all jokes aside... im really scared, I mean what if its a crazy Syco who will hurl or maybe even kill whoever likes or is with Jonah. I look at her and then say "you mean a yandere (yan-deer-ee) like in anime, well I think its a prank so when should just get back to lunch and forget this ever happened...ok?" Then she gave a look, you could tell she was still worried but then she said "your right. alright ill see you later I guess and if.  you want you can sit with Jonah and me you didn't have to eat in the bathroom". I looked at her, I was worried Jonah wouldn't want me to sit their then she walked out the bathroom.

I went into the cafeteria and sat down next to Katie, Jonah looked at me then back at Katie, when I was sitting there I felt so out of place, then I got my stuff and walked out I sat down in front of my locker when I heard a familiar voice. "hey Navia, what's wrong" i couldn't believe it, it was Tess, she helped me get over the fact that Jonah left. when I heard her voice I was so happy I got up and gave her a big hug. 


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