how you met minho

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Countdown - Amber

The lights of the tall buildings around you lit up the sidewalk as you made your way to one of your most favorite places in the world.

The busking square.

You usually went out and busked on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights in this area close to your university.

You didn't busk to make money or be discovered by some big label. You just found it to be such an incredible thrill, and since you were a talented dancer, why not try to entertain people and try, just try, to make them smile.

You got to your usual spot and put your speaker down. Once your phone was connected, you hit play on your playlist.

The first song was always something slower that you could move around and warm up to, just to get a feel for that night's atmosphere. The song started playing, and you stretched your arms around, slowly moving your feet along to the beat.

While you were warming up, a group of people started to form to watch you. You looked up and saw some of the usual faces who come to see you frequently, and as always, you saw some unfamiliar faces; usually tourists or students with nothing better to do on a Tuesday night.

The next song came on, and you started dancing for real. You usually liked to freestyle and let the music take control, but if one of the songs you were dancing to had a popular signature move, you just had to throw it in.

The crowd around you grew as the songs kept playing. Since you had a knack for preforming, you went around and interacted with the people watching you, sometimes dancing towards someone, or if it was a flirty song, winking and doing some minor flirtatious moves.

The next song came on, and you got excited when you heard the first few notes. This was Not That Type, one of your favorite songs with a sexy beat. While moving along to the build up to the chorus, you picked out your next target.

You hadn't seen his face before, so he wasn't a regular. A student, probably. His intense eyes were following the details of your moves closely.

You made your way over to him as the build-up intensified, and as the signature line played, you mouthed along, standing close to the stranger. You looked him up and down and winked, lightly brushing your hand under his chin.

You ran back to the center to the sound of the small crowd hollering, and you continued dancing. You looked over at the boy, and he looked slightly flustered

How cute..

You finished out the rest of your playlist and told the crowd goodbye. Some people stayed behind to compliment you, but once the crowd cleared, you stepped back to get your belongings. Little did you know, there was still one person waiting to compliment you.


I was hardly ever flustered. I was the king of confidence. Doing sexual dances or faces on shows never even phased me.

But when she looked at me with that smirk, that wink, and her finger tracing under my chin, it did something to me

I felt my face get hot. I had forgotten what that felt like..

And when she looked at me again just a few moments later, the little smile she shot my way made my heart feel like it was trying to ram it's way out of my chest.

I had to talk to her. Even if I got flat-out rejected, I just had to talk to her, at least once.

So I waited until the last of the crowd had left, and she was kneeling on the ground, picking up her stuff. I walked over to her and tried to get her attention,

"Ah, hello?"

She turned around, and when her eyes met mine, she brushed off her knees and stood up, facing me.

"Oh, hey! I hope you didn't mind me earlier. I just like to incorporate my audience into my dancing.."

"Oh no, not at all. You are a really good dancer. I really enjoyed this"

She said, her lips moving into a smile.

"I usually don't see you here at this time. Are you new around here?"
She asked me.

"No, actually. I used to come here a lot when I was younger, but my group debuted last year and I haven't had much time. This was the first night in a few months that I've been able to come watch the buskers"

"Oh, cool! What do you do in your group?"

"I'm the main dancer.."
I admitted, and the girl's eyes lit up

"Wow, that's so cool!

"I think so too"
I said, making the girl laugh.

"Can I ask you a question?"
I started, gaining the girl's attention again.

"Fire away"

"Would you maybe want to dance together sometime? I think we would be good partners"
I asked, and a sly grin took over her face.

"Only if you take me out to dinner afterwards"

Damn, I was not expecting that. Her words and smile made my stomach flip around.

I don't even know her name and I'm already whipped.

"Aww, you're cute"
She said to my reaction. I guess I wasn't good at disguising how flustered I was..

"Uh, yeah, sure. Dinner would be amazing!"
I replied, stammering over my words.

"Give me your phone, stranger"

I gave her my phone and she put in her information.

"You better not wimp out on me"
She teased, making my already red face deepen about 20 shades.

"Wait, I never even got your name!"
I said as she started to walk away.

She said, smiling. Before I could say anything else, she turned around and walked the other way.

Damn, I fell hard for her.

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