Love Me Not-Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

-3 weeks later-

Alicia's P.O.V

Wow.. I'm finally graduating high school. In exactly 2 hours I'm going to recieve my diploma and thank god I'm not giving any sort of speech because I'd be even more nervous than I already was.

Which I don't know why I am so nervous.. I mean I've graduated middle school, this is just high school. College graduation will be even more nerve wracking.


I was just doing the finishing touches to my makeup and hair before Lowrie, Justin and Seth came to pick me up. We've been through so much so it only makes sense we go to our high school graduation together.

Minutes later my doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I yelled running down the stairs. I opened the door to see Lowrie, Marco, Justin, Becca, Ben and Seth.

"Why don't you guys look gorgeous as hell!" I said to my 6 friends.

"As do you darling." Seth replied back. I leaned into Seth and pecked his lips but Seth decided to deepen the kiss and things started getting steamy.

"Ahem? Earth to the love birds? Would you stop being all cute and get into the car unless you want to be late." Ben said annoyingly. I know Ben is still pretty crushed from his break up from weeks ago and it kills for him to see how happy all his friends are in their relationships.

"Right, sorry." I said pulling away from Seth. My mom texted me that her, my dad and Kaylee would meet me at the school and with that we walked towards the car and on our way to the school.

Seth's P.O.V

In one hour I'm going to pop the question to Alicia. Oh god I hope she says yes. We obviously won't get married soon but at least we'll be engaged... I hope...


Everyone was being called to recieve their diploma. To be honest I wasn't expecting half these people to graduate, me included.

"Now I'd like to invite up to the podium Ben Williams who will say a speech on behalf of the grade." Our principal said.

Ben walked towards the podium as all the parents, teachers and students clapped for him.

"Hi everybody. Most of you know who I am but for those of you who don't know, I'm Ben Williams. Unlike a lot of you I wasn't from here for all my life. I moved to here from London a few years ago and I'm glad I did and came to such a wonderful school and met so many great people and 5 amazing friends who know who they are. But I am not up here to go into my life story, I am up here to say thanks. Thank you for the best years of my life. And not just mine but I think I speak for everyone on this, the best years of our lives. As we move into our new chapter to university, college or neither, we grow up just a little bit more. And I know that even though this may be the last time I see any of you, just know that you're all amazing and you can accomplish anything that you want if you really want it. And now to wrap things up, I'd like to say good luck in the future and keep all your high school memories fresh in your head because those were the best times of your life."

Everyone was clapping and cheering and tearing up. I gotta give Ben credit that was a damn good speech. Our principal then walked back up to the podium and said

"May I ask all the graduates to rise? And place your tassels from the left side of your cap to the right. I now present to you Beauforts graduating class of 2014!"

Everyone threw their grad caps in the air. Cheering as they do so. Now that this is over with, I have to find Alicia and propose.

Alicia's P.O.V

I can't believe it. I graduated, we all graduated. This is probably one of the greatest days of my life.

My parents ran towards me hugging me and congratulating me. After they finished squeezing the crap out of me, Seth came over.

"Hey Alicia. I have to show you something..." That's a bit strange.. Why would Seth have to show me something in the parking lot..

"Seth why did you bring me out into the parking lot?"

"Because I didn't want all this craziness going on while I say this."

"Seth you're confusing me right now. Why do you have to show me something in the parking lot?"

"Would you just let me talk before you ask 20 questions?" I laughed.

"You may proceed."

"Alicia.. I've known you since the fourth grade, we've been through elementary school and now high school. Within all that time we've had our ups and downs but look where we are now. Alicia I don't think I'd ever see myself being with such an extraordinary person like you and I mean that. I don't think I will ever find someone as extraordinary in the future. I know that we're still young so we don't have to do this right away.. But baby, you would make me the happiest man alive if you say yes. Alicia Maxwell, will you do the honour of marrying me?"

Tears began to pool in my eyes as Seth got down onto one knee. I was now full out bawling because I wasn't expecting this neither was I expecting such a lovely ring.

"Oh my god Seth, do you even have to ask? Of course I will marry you!" Seth smiled and got up from the kneeling position, slipping the ring onto my finger. He wiped away the tears with his thumb, then proceeded to kiss me passionately.

After a moment or two, clapping erupted from all our classmates, friends, teachers and parents. I began crying more because of how happy I was to be in this moment with my now fiancé.

This may be a really stupid and cliché thing to say, but throughout all your ups and downs with someone, there's always a happy ending.

"I love you Seth Jacks, I love you so much. I cannot wait for what our future holds." I say as I crash my lips against his again. We smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"I love you too Alicia, forever and always."

A/N: GAH I AM SO FREAKIN' SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR MONTHS! I didn't know how to end this so I've been stumped. Plus I've been really busy as well. I hope you guys liked the ending and I will be writing an epilogue soon! I tried to make this as great as I could so it would mean a lot if you could;





P.S. Thank you everyone whose read and voted for my story. I never expected this to go too far but to have over 1K reads is amazing! I love you all and hope that you enjoyed this story!

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