Chapter 1

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•••Railey's POV•••

"Hah, how could a loser like you become famous in any way?" I jokingly asked my brother Jack.

"Haha very funny. I happen to be very popular with the ladies." he replied.

I started cracking up, "In what world?!" I asked in between laughs.

"Railey, don't be mean to your brother." my Mom said.

"But it's just so darn fun." I said.

Then she gave me that Mom look that means shut up before I kill you. You know what I mean.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." I said, putting my hands up as if I'm surrendering.

"So, when is your next tour Jack?" Mom asked him.

"It's in two weeks and it's in Memphis." he replied.

"Oh, well that sounds fun. Hey Railey, haven't you always wanted to go to Memphis?" she asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I replied.

"Oh, I was just thinking that I could talk to Bart and see if you could maybe tag along." she said.

"Woah woah woah, hold up there a sec Mom," Jack said. "There is no way I'm letting my annoying little sister come on tour and be around my friends. No way."

"If I say so then she is. I'm going to go call Bart after lunch." she said.

"But Moooommm." Jack whined.

"End of discussion." she said to him.

I let out a little chuckle that Jack noticed. He gave me a nasty look, but I only smiled back at him.

After we finished lunch, Jack's friend Jack had came over. I know, two Jacks that are bestfriends is strange, but they've been bestfriend since kindergarten. Anyways, since Jack got to have Jack over, I got to have my friend Codi over too. When she got here, we went up to my room.

"Okay, so you're not going to believe this." I told her.

"Omg what?!" she asked excitedly.

"So, Mom is going to talk to the director of Magcon, the tour Jack is doing, and see if I can tag along on their next tour to Memphis!" I said.

"Oh my gosh no way!" Codi said.

"Yes way! Jack really doesn't want me to go but it's not really his choice. And besides, it gives me even more opportunities to annoy him." I said with a devious grin.

Codi laughed and said "Maybe there will be some really cute guys your age on the tour as well." she smirked.

"Well I hope so," I said laughing "It would be pretty boring with no hot guys my age."

"You'll have to keep in touch and tell me all about it." Codi said.

"Don't worry, I'll text you everyday." I said.

"Promise?" Codi asked, holding up her pinky.

"I promise," I said, grabbing her pinky with mine.

"Oh, and I wouldn't mind if you brought me back a boy too." she said, trying to hold back her laugh.

"I just might do that. Any requests?" I asked her.

"Wellllll, there's this one guy that I know of that's on the tour." she said. "His name is Cameron Dallas and let me tell you" she said, whistling. "He is freaking amazeballs." she said, fake drooling.

I started cracking up and so did she.

Codi and I had just started watching The Conjuring on Netflix when Mom came in and said "Good news! I talked to Bart and he said it was okay for you to go to Memphis with them!"

"Oh my gosh! Yay I'm so excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you Mom! I love you so much!" I said, hugging her.

"You're welcome sweetie, I still have to talk it over with your Dad but I'm sure he'll be fine with it. I mean, there's not much he can do from overseas." she said.

"Okay, just let me know what he says please." I said.

My Dad got deployed to Afghanistan 3 months ago. He would be gone for 4 years or longer.

I miss him like crazy, but I'm really proud of him. I talk to him everyday for as long as I can. It's usually only about 10 minutes because that's all he has, but I am grateful for every second I get to talk to him.

"Okay, so do you guys want any snacks?" Mom asked me and Codi.

"I'm good, thank you though." Codi said.

"Yeah, I'm good too." I replied.

"Okay, just text me if y'all need anything." she said before leaving my room.

"Aight, so where were we?" I asked Codi.

"We were just to the part where the ghost threw up in the Mom's mouth." she said.

"Oh, yeah." I said, wrinkling my nose.

This part was really gross.

I paused the movie really quickly.

"Oh! I almost forgot, I gotta go tell Jack that Bart said yes. It'll only take a minute." I said, getting up off of my bed.

"Okay, hurry up!" Codi said as I walked out of my door.

Jack's room was three doors down from mine. The door was open so I just knocked on the door frame.

"Guess what." I said, smirking.

"Oh no." he said.

"Oh yes," I said, with an evil grin. "You'll be spending the next tour to Memphis with yours truly." I said.

"Just don't mess with me, or you'll pay." he said.

"Oh boy, I'm scared! Haha, you won't do anything. Mom would kill you and you know it." I said.

"Just leave me alone please. We're trying to work on a new song." he said.

"Okay okay, I'll leave you alone. On one condition." I said.

"Ugh, what do you want now?" he asked, obviously annoyed.

"I get to show all of your Magcon friends that baby picture of you that you oh so love." I said.

It was this picture where he was butt naked but he had something all over his face, and he looked ridiculous.

"No. Absolutely no way." he said.

"Well I'm gonna show them anyways so you might as well just agree." I said.

He got up, came to the door, and said "If you do it won't be good for you little sis."

"Oh no, I'm shaking in my boots. Again, you know Mom will kill you if you do anything to me." I said.

He let out a frustrated sigh and slammed his door. I felt satisfied that I had aggravated him enough, so I went back to my room and watched the rest of the movie with Codi. I am so excited about Magcon, I hope these two weeks go by fast.

Hey guys! I thought I'd right another fanfic, this one about Aaron Carpenter, so I hope you enjoy! If you haven't already, go read my other fanfic. It's called Our Two Boys. I'll try and update this one as much as possible, but in the mean time try and get it to 50 reads? •Blaise

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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