CHP03: The Charm

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Juvia stepped into the guild and was immediately tackled. "Juvia my beloved you look beautiful as always." Lyon chirped wrapping his arm around her. Gray got up irritated.

"Lyon what are you still doing here!" Gray shouted. Lyon put a hand in front of him.

"We're still moving furniture. Tobi and Yuka said they had some unfinished business with Sabertooth and Sherry said she wanted to be with Ren. And I wanted to see my old friend." Lyon wrapped his arm around Juvia. "to see you, Gray." Lyon said as Gray sighed.

"You came to see me huh?" Gray asked irritated as Lyon squeezed Juvia's shoulder. "Why do I find that hard to believe! " Juvia sighed. Oh, Gray it's much worse than you can imagine. She looked up at Lyon who smirked.

Juvia pushed her hair away and Lyon's eyes widened. A frown quickly followed. Lyon faced Gray. "Gray, do you want your charm now?" Lyon asked quietly. Gray shot him a confused look. Juvia shook her hands desperately behind Gray trying to signal Lyon. It was useless Lyon's eyes were shut he looked down, the charm safely away, just in case he'd change his mind.

"Juvia needs to talk to you Lyon sama!" She shouted nearly tackling him. Gray shoved his hands in his pockets  giving them a slanted smile as they lay on the floor. Lyon smirked moving his hair from his view.

Juvia looked at Lyon who was on the floor. They were face to face as Juvia lay on top of him. She practically squealed jumping off of him. "Forgive me!" She bowed blushing of embarrassment. Lyon got up wiping his shirt. He nodded going for the door.

"Juvia... I'll be outside." He almost whispered closing the door quietly. Gray raised his eyebrow at her. She smiled still blushing. She followed Lyon seconds later.

Lyon lay against the wall in the back of Fairy Tail looking towards the sky. He hadn't noticed Juvia yet. "Lyon sama, huh?" He whispered thinking to himself. Juvia observed him a while as he continued to drift in his mind. "Juvia..." He said. Juvia's shoulder's tensed. "she's never addressed me as such..." He bit his lip.

She walked closer to him. "Lyon sama?" She whispered. Lyon blushed facing her. 

"Juvia." He gasped. She grabbed onto his arm looking up at him. Lyon's hands were in his pocket. They slowly left as he held his charm in his palm. He put his arm out trying to give Juvia the charm. She looked down blushing. She grabbed his hand.

"Lyon... Juvia-" Before she could continue the white-haired ice mage interrupted her.

"I know, you love Gray, just take it..." He said dully. Juvia shook her head fiercely. She swiped the charm from his hand.

Her eyes were locked on the charm. It was as if she was stuck in an eternal staring contest. Lyon's words broke her haze. "Juvia, just tell me why haven't you wanted it back yet. Why did Gray have no idea what the charm was. You obviously still wore it." She looked up her mouth open. No words escaped she blushed harder. Lyon tilted his head confused for a second. 

"Does this mean-" This time it was Juvia's turn to interrupt the mage. Lyon was caught by surprise from her boldness.

She stepped forward hugging Lyon. She whispered into his ear. "Juvia loves Lyon sama." She let go placing the charm on Lyon's neck. He was flushed red speechless. She didn't care, she kissed him on the lips stepping back and walking back into the guild.

The air swiped at Lyon's hair as he stood there still speechless. He had Juvia his love, than why did he feel so empty. He stood there having no idea what to do next. His hand made its way to his neck. He clutched the charm. "Juvia, I will prrotect you from anything that harms you even if that means, hurting Gray." He looked down guilty of his words. "Gray..."

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