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There once was a young clockmaker who worked in a little shop in London. He helped his dad around the shop every single day, making and fixing clocks. One day, a young man came into the shop. The young clockmaker was tinkering with one of the clocks he had been working on, his father was out of town for a month so he was all alone. The man was very well dressed and had a very proud way of walking, he asked the young clockmaker to fix his broken pocket-watch. The young clockmaker agreed and put it to the side for later, continuing on his work. He got so focused on his work that he completely forgot about the pocket watch and when the well dressed man came to pick it up he panicked and came up with an excuse to get more time, the man agreed and gave him to the end of the week. The young clockmaker was so relieved and went to work, however he once again got distracted and forgot about the pocket watch once more and by the end of the week he had gotten nothing done. The well dressed man was furious and yelled at the young clockmaker.
"I know!! I just need more time!!"
The young clockmaker pleaded.
Then a strong wind filled the room and all the clocks chimed at once as the well dressed man started to chant. The young clockmaker had a little windup doll that he cared for dearly as it was a gift from his mother. The doll flew into the air and straight towards the young clockmaker, a bright light flashing before his eyes and he screamed as he covered his in both fear and to shield them from the bright light. When he opened his eyes he was unable to move, he had been fused with the windup doll. The well dressed man had disappeared and only his pocket watch remained, the man was apparently a evil sorcerer who needed a gift for his wife and didn't want to give her a broken pocket watch, but things could change. Maybe he would give her a doll instead?~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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