Chapter One

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How he landed himself here was beyond him. What actions had be done to have brought him to this point? Not only was he forced to go out and socialize on his only day off of the week, he had to babysit a drunk as shit Todoroki Shouto who, he had quickly learned , was talkative and a hugger. The explosive blonde was almost convinced their shitty ass friends had planned this out thoroughly, cause only a few weeks earlier were the roles reversed and the dual quirk user was babysitting him . An incident he chose to forget and burn from his memory considering it ended with him in Shouto's bed with heavy makeouts. It was safe to say that that disastrous situation was why he had been working nonstop and thoroughly avoiding the number three hero. It was embarrassing. It was humiliating. And most of all, his pride took a big fucking hit considering he apparently confessed to the idiot and all he got was a stupid'thank you' from the emotionally handicapped moron. But today was a stupid holiday and he had to be here socializing and being the sober friend considering he had fucking work tomorrow morning which put him in charge or making sure this walking fashion crisis made it home safely and didn't drink the rest of the party. Easier said than done considering Shouto was very clever at evading Katsuki and snatching drinks from tables and counters. It was a bit hilarious to see the usually composed fiery iced hero with zero inhibitions and a blubbering mess. Within twenty minutes of being assigned as this morons babysitter, Shouto had insulted three people and bad mouthed his father with a few colorful words he wasn't aware the taller male even knew. But hey, this shit proved as great blackmail for the future.

"Kacchan, I think you should take Todoroki home before he insults the rest of the bar." Izuku was probably one of few of their friends who could hold his liquor.

"Ah come on Izu!" Kirishima shouted as he hung over the green haired hero. "It's really funny to watch him act completely out of character and insult people. You know, more so than usual."

The blonde rubbed his forehead with a heavy sigh, why was he friends with these fucking idiots anyways? "You assholes do this on purpose I swear to fucking God."

"Stop bitching and get your boyfriend out of here." Sero added with a smirk on his face.

Katsuki threw the lemon from Deku's drink at the tape hero and glared sharply. "Shut up! People will fucking hear you dipshit!"

"For the love of God, we all know you're dating stop being so paranoid." Ochako snickered while she downed her drink. "No one cares, you two are so obvious. Yes we saw you making out near the stereos."

Yes they were fooling around. Yes they were sleeping together. No they weren't dating. They weren't an item. All they did was make out or bang occasionally, not dating. So what if he had feelings for this socially inept dipshit, neither of them could go public with whatever this was due to the flaming asshole of a father that Shouto had.

He ran his hand down his face and sighed loudly before getting up to retrieve the drunken moron. "Casanova let's go."

He whined, Shouto actually whined, when Katsuki grabbed his arm. "But I'm having looooots of fun. Unless we're going home together. Are we? Then yes let's go." He stumbled into Katsuki and giggled.

Katsuki wanted to die, both from embarrassment and his stupid heart doing dumbass flips with shitty ass feelings. Stupid feelings. "Alright moron, come on. Stand up."

Shouto took a good half hour to say goodbye to everyone twice including hugs and high fives. Why was he doing this again? That's right. Cause he's in love with him. Yeah. That's the reason. He lead the taller male out into the cold night air and immediately shivered only to have Shouto hug him.

"I'll keep you warm Suki, I don't want you to get cold then I'll be very sad." He slurred his words a bit, breath hot against the blonde's neck.

He grumbled and lightly shoved him, holding his arm. "Okay shut up, stop hanging on me. Now walk like a normal person dumbass."

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