The Confession

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A/N: I'm really sorry if this is bad. Like I said in the description this is my first story. This was supposed to be done on Valentines day so the chapter is set in Valentines day. I say chapter but I don't know if I will continue. If you see these '...' (without the dots of course) the character is thinking. If there are these (...) then it is just me commenting.

Meggy's P.O.V.

Meggy: 'This is it today I'm finally going to tell Tari I like her... Oh who am I kidding there is no way that she likes me.' Meggy thinks as she gets ready for the day 'Then again, if I never tell her she will never know and I might miss an opportunity because she does like me... Fine I'll tell her. It is better if she knows and doesn't like me back than I never tell her and she does like me back.' Meggy finally gets ready and her phone rings in the tune of Fly Octo Fly.

(this song)

Meggy: Hi Kenji.

Kenji: Hi Meggy. The splatfest against the InkBrigade is going to start in about an hour.

Meggy: Thanks for the heads up. I'll get Red. *hangs up*

Meggy: *calls Mario's house phone*

(because I doubt Mario has a phone)

20 minutes earlier

Mario's P.O.V.

Mario: I'm going to beat you with the best character, Piranha Plant :D

Tari: I don't think so.

10 minutes later

Smash Bros. Announcer: Yoshi wins.

Mario: It's not possible! I demand a rematch!

Tari: Ok.

Mario: This time I choose King K. Rool!

10 minutes later

Smash Bros. Announcer: Yoshi wins.

Mario: Are you freaking kidding me! Again!

Luigi: Mario.

Mario: What is it!

Luigi: Meggy is on the phone.

Mario: But I want to-

Luigi: *sigh* I'll buy you a spaghetti body pillow

Mario rushes to Luigi who is holding the phone

Mario: Hello.

Meggy: The splatfest is going to start soon.

Mario: I don't want to Mario has done enough today. D:

Meggy: I'll buy you all the spaghetti you want as long as you don't get all of it.

Mario: On my way.

Mario runs out the door

Tari's P.O.V.

Tari: Ummm want to play Luigi?

Luigi: Ok

Three games later

Tari: *sigh* 'I should probably tell Meggy how I feel... but what if she doesn't like me back? What if she hates me after I tell her? What if I ruin our friendship?'

Luigi: Tari!

Tari: W-what is it!?

Luigi: You were lost deep in thought

Tari: Oh sorry. Do you want to play again?

Luigi: No I want to know what's on your mind right now.

Tari: Fine. I really like someone but I don't know if they like me back

Luigi: Oh. Well I don't know how to help you.

Tari: It's fine

Meggy's P.O.V.

During the splatfest

Callie and Marie: 1 minute left!

Meggy: Kenji! Sam! Flank them just like we practiced. And Red.

Mario: It's a Mario time!

Callie and Marie: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! The winner is... The SplatSquad!

Meggy: Yes! Our first win.

Mario: Now about that spaghetti.

Meggy: I know. I know.

Kenji: Meggy wait.

Meggy: Yes?

Sam: You seemed like you were distracted during the splatfest what is it?

Meggy: *sigh* I really like someone but I don't know how to tell them.

Kenji: Is it your gamer friend?

Meggy: How did you know?

Sam: Oh come on it was obvious. You would skip training for the splatfest to play games with her. You NEVER skipped training before.

Meggy: Fine you caught me. Now I've got to go before Red gets angry at me for not getting him spaghetti within 30 minutes.

One hour later

Meggy's phone starts to ring

Meggy: Hello?

Tari: Hi Meggy do you want to come over to play some games.

Meggy: Sure.

Tari: Ok see you in 10 minutes.

Meggy: Ok see you there.

Ten minutes later at the castle

Meggy: Ok Tari what do you want to play?

Tari: How about Super Smash each Other in the Ass Bros. Ultimate?

Meggy: Sure.

10 games later

Meggy: I think I've had enough.

Tari: Me too.

silence continues for a while

Meggy: 'come on Meggy just tell her' Um Tari?

Tari: Yes?

Meggy: *very fast* Ireallylikeyou

Tari: I didn't catch that what did you say?

Meggy: *clears her throat* I really like you. I have for a while.

Tari: !!!

Meggy: I understand If you-

Meggy can't even finish her sentence when Tari kisses her, taking her by surprise.

After a while they have to break for air

Tari: I was so worried that you didn't. Why didn't you tell me?

Meggy: Same reason that you didn't is suppose, because I was too afraid you wouldn't like me back.

Meggy and Tari pull in for another kiss when Tari's phone rings.

Tari: Sorry.

Meggy: It's fine just answer.

Tari: Hello... Ok *hangs up* Luigi wants everyone to try to help Shroomy with his date.

Meggy: Ok lets go. We can continue later.

Tari: Ok.

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