Royally Tamed--Sneak Peak

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Anton watched as Mellissandra played on the floor with two chubby babies. Anyone observing would never know that she was not both of the babies’ natural mother. She hugged them, tickled them, and loved them equally. But, only one of the babies Mellissandra was currently playing patty-cake with, was from her womb. The other belonged to Anton and his half-sister, Gilly, who now resided in the psychiatric unit of the Colania National Prison. That truth was not widely known. The official records stated that Mellissandra had given birth to fraternal twins, one boy and one girl, and their father was Damian Bellaro.

Likewise, Anton appeared to be a doting father and loving husband. But the truth was, Mellissandra was married to his brother even though Anton most definitely loved her.

When Mellissandra picked up the fussing baby and opened her shirt, Anton groaned inwardly. She had no reservations about baring her breasts and nursing in front of him or anyone else. She would claim it was the most natural thing in the world, and it was what breasts had been made for. She wasn’t going to starve one of her babies because someone else had a problem with it.

Anton’s issue wasn’t disapproval though. It wasn’t even sexual. Honestly, there was nothing sexy about a woman with a hungry child on her breast. Anton’s problem was that every time he saw her nursing one or both of the babies, his love for her would grow.

At first, Anton had been afraid that he would only be able to see what his mother had done to him.


“Come here, my son,” the beautiful woman said.

Anton dragged his feet. He had just seen a man leave this room, and he knew what that meant. His mother had let the man lie on top of her, and she now smelled funny. Even worse than the smell was what his mother would want him to do after she had a man on her. She wanted him to drink milk from her.

Anton didn’t like the milk. It was warm and tasted weird. Gilly had told him that no one but babies did that with their mothers. Anton wasn’t a baby though. He was five. But if he didn’t do it, his mother would cry and say he didn’t love her anymore.

“Anton,” she said, “come here, my darling. It’s time for a feeding.”

Frightened because he didn’t want to upset his mother and maybe get a switching, Anton went and climbed onto his mother’s naked body. When he latched on to her breast, hot tears slipped over his eyes.

When he’d first seen Mellissandra with a baby at her breast, he’d only been able to see a wonderful and loving mother. She embodied everything maternal. She was exactly what a mother should be.

Anton sighed. He could gaze at the red-haired goddess in front of him for a lifetime and worship at her feet for eternity. But she was his brother’s wife, and Anton knew that the love the couple shared ran deep. He probably loved Damian as much as he loved Mellissandra. It was just in a different way. Anton would do everything he could to prevent his feelings from creating any tension between the three of them.

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