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Eli sat by the side of the hospital bed. Her grandfather’s wrinkled, veiny hand gripped her own. “It was the monsters, Eliza,” he wheezed.

“I know, Grandpa,” Eli said softly. “I know.” He’d been telling her about the monsters since she was seven. Her parents got angry at him after she snapped her black crayon in half coloring in a man in a dark suit with little devil horns. “It’s a monster,” she told them. “Grandpa told me about them. They hide among the ordinary people and suck out their souls.” Grandpa wasn’t allowed to visit for a while after that.

He smacked the bed. Eli jumped. “Listen to me!”

“I am listening, Grandpa.”

“No you’re not!” His voice was louder now, stronger. The voice that had told her monster stories years ago. “You have to fight them, Eliza.” He grabbed for her hands. “I see them. I see them everywhere. Fight them.” He shivered and collapsed onto the hospital bed.

Eli gasped. “Grandpa!”

He didn’t move. A nurse rushed in and escorted Eli out. She waited outside for her dad, taking deep, shuddering breaths and squeezing her eyes shut. The whole way home, she stared out the window, trying very hard not to think about anything.

“Is he still talking about that monster nonsense?” Eli’s father chuckled. Eli followed the curves of telephone lines with her eyes. They didn’t talk for the rest of the trip home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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