Chapter One

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Dana Scully nearly missed the bus, her alarm didn't work. Dana put the top section of her short messy hair into a bun. She had on a gross hoodie and light colored jeans. Her shoes were untied and she had no time for her contacts so she wore her dorky glasses to see anything past the tip of her nose. Her sister, Melissa, left with her younger brother, Charles but didn't wake her up, and her parents were already gone for work. Her oldest brother, Bill Jr is in college so he couldn't have taken her either. She usually took the bus, though it would have been nice if they awakened her.

She jogged up to the bus stop on the street corner right when the bus pulls up, the only decent part of her day so far. Her ivory skin glistened with sweat, like morning dew caught in the sunlight.

It must have been a rough day for other kids, all the seats were filled except for one right in the front, by Fox Mulder. She had no other choice, so she caught her breath and sat down next to him. Fox looked at her in confusion as to why anyone would sit next to him until he checked the wide rear view mirror right above the windshield and saw all the seats were taken. He moved his backpack, which was covered in space pins down by his feet so she'd have more room as he moved closer to the window. She scooched closer to him and began to put her earbuds in. He figured she didn't want o to talk to him and left her alone.

Fox wore his favorite alien sweater over a white collared shirt and dirty, well-loved jeans. His white converse was dirty and well-loved, he only wore that pair of shoes. His jeans were faded and had holes in them, but that's what he loved about them, they were comfortable and well broken into.

Dana was slightly embarrassed, hopefully, her "friends" didn't notice her. Fox Mulder's sister disappeared when they were young and he always thought it was aliens that abducted her. Since then he has always been known as "Spooky Mulder". They never had any interactions together and her friends all made fun of him. She always felt sorry for Fox, she didn't know him well enough to reach out to him.

They arrived at school and parted ways. She waited for her friend, Tom Colton. Tom usually sat in the back of the bus with his friends and typically Dana would sit with them. Tom smirked at her, "what was it like sitting with Spooky?"

She rolled her eyes and pushed her glasses up, "Very funny. It was fine, we didn't talk. I'm having the worst morning today."

Tom laughed at her and adjusted his letterman jacket. "I can tell, nice glasses four eyes!"

Scully punched his arm, "shut up you jerk!" She laughed it off as Tom over dramatically flailed around.

She went to her locker and grabbed her books, as she shut her locker door, she noticed Fox had his locker a few down from hers. She never saw him before. She watched him for a few seconds, in his locker he had a few pictures up, a tiny poster of a UFO with text that reads "I want to believe" and pictures of his sister. He quickly grabbed his textbooks and slammed his locker shut angrily.

Dana saw people wrote spooky on his locker, he just smeared it off with his shirt sleeve and went to class.

Dana went to her class as well, her favorite class in fact, Science. She sat in the back with Tom. She was the second one there, the first one being none other than Fox Mulder. She didn't remember him there before, odd. It's like she was noticing him for the first time, or in a new light even though she still never talked to him.

Soon other students wandered in and took their seats. Dana tuned out everyone as she stared at the back of Fox's head. He had messy brown hair and a soft undercut.

Tom taped her shoulder, "you okay?"

She flinched and turned her head to the side, "Yes, I'm just tired."

X-Files HighSchool AUWhere stories live. Discover now