Chapter Two

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After her fourth period class, Dana had lunch. Like always, Dana sat with Tom and the rest of their group. Dana didn't pack her lunch, so she got a salad from the cafeteria.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves, but Dana ate in silence. They only talked about trivial matters, clothes, money, who was cute, who was lame, sports, so Dana tuned them out.

Tom finally decided to talk to her, "hey Dana, how's Spooky?"

Dana looked up from her salad and rolled her eyes. Tom smirked at her because he knew he had struck a nerve, "his name his Mulder. He's really nice, maybe if you got to know him, you would understand that."

Everyone at the table looked at her in shock as they stopped talking. Tom started to laugh at her, "what is he Dana? Is he your boyfriend? Do you like him or something? Come on quit joking."

Dana stood up and grabbed her stuff, "no, he's not my boyfriend, but he is better than any of you will ever be." She had enough of letting them use her for homework and to laugh at. Having no friends was better than fake friends. With Dana's dad being in the military, she moved around lot. This school was the one she's been at the longest.

She didn't really want to make friends, but they were all friends with her sister, Melissa. Melissa, unlike Dana, was into fashion and makeup, but also into reading horoscopes and healing crystals. Dana had always felt closer to her brothers, she liked the mud, she liked trucks and cars, and refused to wear a dress up till age seven. Dana got mixed in with these people in middle school when she started going here, and never tried to branch out. She never had any "gal pals" or really any pals.

She decided that from that moment on, she would not care what they thought about her anymore,

Dana marched off in search of Mulder, after a few minutes she found him sitting in the commons with a group of three other boys. Scully cautiously approached the group and awkwardly as she tried to figure out what to say to them.

"Mulder, there's a girl here,"

Mulder rolled his eyes at him, "good job Frohike, nice observational skills. What's up Dana? I see you've tied your shoes and have a salad, see guys I can make observations too."

Dana subconsciously looked at her shoes because she forgot about the whole untied shoes thing and looked back down at Mulder a little befuddled. He smiled at her.

Frohike slapped his arm, "wait, you know her?"

Mulder ignored him and waited for Scully to answer. "Well, I was wondering if it'd be okay, if I sat with you," Scully asked politely.

Mulder sighed, "Gee, I don't know Scully. I'm not sure I'm ready to take this leap from lab partners to lunch mates just yet. This is a big step in our relationship."

Frohike slapped Mulder's arm again, "Dude! A girl, a female I remind you, actually wants to sit with us! What are you doing?"

"Frohike, please just shut up. Everyone, this is Dana Scully my new lab partner in science. Be nice, okay? Scully the loud mouth is Melvin Frohike, the '‍hot' blond is Richard Langley, and the ginger beard is John Byers. We all go by our last name here, just a heads up."

They were all sitting in a semi circle so Dana sat down next to Mulder and closed the circle. "Thank you, it's nice to meet all of you," Dana smiled and proceeded to eat her salad.

Langley had long blond hair that ended around his shoulders, he was a little lanky. He wore loose jeans that stopped right before his ankles because he outgrew them. He had a flannel on over an old Metallica shirt. He also wore a busted pair of glasses that was taped at the center.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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