I'm Leaving

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Nayip: Annie! Glad to see you! Go to wardrobe.
A: Nope because I came here to tell you I'm quitting.
Nayip: Wait WHAT!
A: I'm sorry Nayip. Just he meant the world to me and then he broke my heart.
Nayip: Who?
A: Someone..
Nayip: I won't tell.
A: John...
Nayip: Wait What happened?
A: He's dating Jayden.
Nayip: Oh well I'm happy for him.
A: See no one understands how I have liked him since kindergarten. And seeing him with my best friend. I'm just broke. Like into a million pieces. All by two people.
Nayip: Ok Annie you can leave after today deal?
A: I guess.
I wasn't fond of that. I just can't deal with stuff like that. I'm emotionally okay... at least I think so..
I was laying on my bed just thinking. Then Hayley barges in my room.
She yelled with no emotion but surprised.
A: Yeah?
H: You quit brat!
A: I- I- Hay sit down. This is gonna be a looong journey...
H: Okay?
She sat down to me. I told her about how I liked John and i told Hayley every detail. When I finished I was in tears.
H: Oh Annie..
She hugged me in a way I had to hug back.
H: Real friends won't date someone you like..
A: What?
H: Annie, she was a fake friend...
I pull away from our hug.
A: Hayley! You- You're right!
I was sooo surprised
A: I'm so stupid!
H: Is it that or is it just because I'm really smart!?!
I laugh.
A: I think it's both. See you literally are Harmony.
H: Thanks!
H: Bye Ann's
I run downstairs.
Ka: Hey!
A: Hey!
Ka: So you quit Brat?
A: Hey.
I walk upstairs with her. We both sat on my bed.
A: Have you ever realized this?
Ka: Realized what?
A: That Jayden's a fake friend...?
Ka: Annie! How- When did you think that?
A: Since she knew I liked John and she's dating him.
Ka: Liked?
A: Yeah I'm over him. He's not worth it.
Ka: Annie just like that you throw him aside?
A: What else am I supposed to do?
Ka: Tell him how you feel...?
A: Not while he's dating my bes- Someone I know.
Ka: Annie!
A: Katie!
Ka: Come on What's really bugging you? Is it Kenzie
A: No me and Kenzie are actually getting along.
Ka: Really?
A: Yeah. She knows I like John. Liked.
Ka: Annie!
A: Yes?
Ka: Come on you still like him!
A: I- Katie?
Ka: Yeah???
A: Okay So Yes I like him... I have to get over him..
Ka: Annie no you don't!
A: Remember that scene I told you about. Where he didn't let go of her hand.
Ka: Yeah.
A: He likes her a lot. Besides Jayden's the one with a smile on her face. I haven't had a smile on my face since 2015.
Ka: Wait What happened in 201- Annie!
A: Yeah.
Ka: Do you want to lose someone you love?
A: NO. Not again!
Katie hugs me.
Ka: You will lose him if you avoid him.
I pull away.
A: I guess but why does that matter?
Ka: Because you cant get over something.
She got a text. She answered it and idk who it was from.
Ka: Oh do you wanna go to the diner?
A: Okay???
We go to the diner.
K: I'm here
N (Nadia)- ME TOO
A: What are you all doing here?
N: We heard you need help. So here we are.
A: You didn't have to.
I smile.
We sit down.

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