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Girl X girl

Finding out your boyfriend cheated on you was the worst case scenario. You know what's worse?

Is when the girl he cheated on didn't also know he was dating you at the same time.

You caught them both in a restaurant waiting for a few friends. You didn't want to come into conclusions but when you saw him kiss her you lost your shit.

You marched right up to them and slapped him.

"What the fuck?? I thought we were going well??" You spat, the girl who he was with spoke up "wait, you didn't tell me you were dating someone else!" She turns to your now ex boyfriend. "I- uh" he couldn't come up with an excuse. You grabbed the glass full of water and threw the water at him. The girl slapped him too.

You were furious and you lost your appetite, so you quickly sent a text to your friends that something came up and went home. With a few tears running down your face you grumbled "ugh. Now my makeup is ruined" you mumbled to yourself.


A voice called out to you, you turned around seeing the girl he cheated with. "I'm so sorry about your boyfri- ex boyfriend. He told me he was single not taken. I'm sorry if I offended you" she says, you just smile "you didn't do anything wrong. Wanna be petty and be friends? We can tell all the girls he might date that he cheated on both of us at the same time" I say with a smirk plastered on my face. Her face lights up "hell yeah!"





A year later you've told one girl he tried to date the story of how both of you broke up with him. She didn't even want a second date from him. You and the girl, (y/c) became close friends fast. What you didn't notice is that you started to like her. You didn't even knew you liked girls.

You soon found out you liked her when your other friends pointed it out " (y/n) you seem like you're in love with her" your friend says, you almost choking on the fries you were eating. "Almost everyone has probably assumed your lesbian for her" your other friend states. "We are nothing more than friends!" You protested.

"Sure" he/she rolls their eyes.

Maybe they were right.

So you told her how you felt and it surprisingly went well.

"I like you too! For a while now actually" she smiles

"So, are we like- a thing?" You ask "why not?" You smile even wider.

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