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🎶 There's something happening,

I can't keep cool, oh I can't sleep

I'm dancing with adrenaline,

I can't speak

hands they keep trembling,

I've been so weak,

but every time you leave I can hardly breathe 🎶

When I had reached my apartment building I saw a gray Porsche parked in front of the building.  "What the hell.." I mumbled under my breath. I walked up the brick steps and entered the pass code, walking into the apartment building.

I put the key into my lock, as I had heard faint laughter and communication coming from the inside. I furrowed my eyebrows in thought, I didn't want to talk to people, I was already in a bad mood from spilling my soda everywhere.

I opened the door and widened my eyes at who was inside. "Oh my god hi!" I screeched in happiness because it was my aunt Leslie, my uncle Judd, and my cousin Iris.

I ran in and engulfed them in a large, tight hug. "It's been forever!" I said loudly while exchanging hugs with them one by one.

"We have so much catching up to do millie." My cousin said, as I gave her the longest hug. I grinned, my cheeks stretching widely, making my mouth sore.

"We decided to visit you guys. Judd and I thought it'd be fun to go on a cruise. We came to pick up your parents." My aunt told me as I nodded in response not really knowing what to say, it was just so sudden.

"Will you guys be back after the trip to spend some time here? How long is the trip? I don't-" the repetitive questions kept coming out until I got cut off, "calm down.. we'll be gone for about a month."

"Is Iris going to stay here with me?" I asked, while my voice raised in excitement. "Yes, she will. It's an only adult trip." David spoke, his arm around my moms shoulder rubbing it slightly, ew.

I started squealing and grabbed her hands. We then started to jump up and down (yes still squealing). "We... are... going... to... have... so.. much... fun...!" She said between jumps.

We stopped jumping and turned to see our parents looking at us with smiles on their faces. "When will you be leaving?" I questioned in curiosity.

"Tuesday." Woah, it really was a short notice. (Its sunday) "erm... okay." I sighed. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" "We had just found out when you were gone." Oof.

Well in the meantime... "IRIS COME ON" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my room. She smiled and followed.

"So, this is my room." I smiled and gestured to the small space. "It's a lot different from when I had last saw you." She looked around, glancing at every detail.

"I sure have changed a lot." I spoke in a soft voice. "We should do something." I flopped myself onto the bed.  She did the same, as her blonde hair flew onto the pillow.

"Truth or dare?" She asked looking over at me. "YES." I shot myself up and got in a comfortable position.

She giggled and sat up as well. "Who goes first?" She asked, resting her head on her Hand. "Me." I replied my grin not leaving my face.

"Okay." " truth or dare?" I asked giving her a smirk. "Dare." Dammit I'm so bad at this, why did I agree to this again? "Uh... I dare you... wait! Are you seeing somebody?" She shook her head. "Okay I dare you to make somebody like you in a week."

"Id rather not, millie." She let out a sarcastic chuckle. "You have to." "Alright fine, but How? I don't know anybody." "I know people..."

"Okay fine, my turn." She sat up a little straighter. "Truth or dare?" "Truth," I'm THAT person who picks truth every time. "Anybody That has caught your eye?" She wiggles her eyebrows while planting a smirk on her glossed lips.
Thinking back... I closed my eyes for a second.

"OOOOOO WHO?!" She clicked her tongue in amusement.
"This Guy.."
"Wow his names guy, How wonderful."
"I don't even know his name." I rolled my eyes.
"YOU DONT KNOW HIS NAME?!" She  shouted and put her hand up to her mouth in shock.
I shook my head and looked away for a second.
"'Mmm.. okay. What does he look like? Is he hot?" She asked.

"Mhm." I just mumbled and nodded, trying to avoid the subject considering I don't even know who he really is.. but who cares?
"Description, now."
I sighed and started describing him, from the memory picture in my head. It's like the moment I had seen him, I had taken a picture that is  permanently carved inside of my mind.
"He sounds pretty hOt." She nudged my side as I scoffed.

"Sure is." -

"Hahahahaha you have a crush."
"Oh my lord it's not a big deal."
"Well you know what."
"I. Will. Disown. You." I said in 'full seriousness.'
She gasped in offense. "You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh I woul-" she then pushed me off of my bed and soon enough we were wrestling.

*time skip*

I won the wrestle. "YES BITCH I WIN!!" I yelled and through my arms in the air
"That wasn't fair" she folded her arms and got up.
I let her leave my room as I was laughing to myself. My laughing stopped and my thoughts drifted off to the beautiful stranger once again...
I have to have him..

Song: Breathe- Mako
Well bitches here you go. Just decided to use Iris as an amazing character in this ox. Need a little cousin bonding ya know?

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