Chapter 2

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Authors note:
Sorry for the wait, this week's been busy. This chapter's a little shorter than the last one, but enjoy!
P.s I apologize for any mistakes, I did most of this late at night.


He walks over, leans down, and presses his lips against mine. I sit there for a moment, stunned by how eagerly he is kissing me. His lips are soft, and I get lost in the feeling, beginning to kiss back until I snap out of it and quickly push him back.

"Rowan! W-what are you doing?" I stutter, my lips still tingling. He grins sheepishly, lacing his hands behind his back. I raise an eye brow and he sighs.

"Zack broke up with me." He looked sad again, his arms shaking slightly. I shoot him a look of sympathy.

"I'm so sorry..Wanna talk about it?" I stand up and pull him against my bare chest, hugging him tightly as he shakes his head and slips his arms around my torso and hugs back.
"Well okay..but.... what was that kiss for?" I ask staring down at his eyes. They're so pretty, like a soft jade color. I see him hesitate, but after a moment he answers.

"I like you.. a lot. I have since 10th grade..." He looks away, as if he's embarrassed or something.

"3 years? Jesus Rowan.. why didn't you tell me?" He frowns and takes a step back.

"Why would I? You're straight. There isn't any point." I wince and rub the back of my neck, shuffling my feet.

"Actually... I never really told anyone this, but I'm bisexual." His eyes widen.

"B-but..I've never seen you even show any interest in guys." I feel guilty for not telling him or Harley, but I shrug.

"Never found one that I'm interested in." I watched Rowan swallowed, and took half a step forward.

"Does that mean you aren't interested in me..?" I looked him directly in the eyes, seeing the hurt mixed with a dash of hope. I take 3 deep breaths.

I sit down and close the distance between us by tugging him into my lap and capturing his lips with mine. He immediately kisses back after he works through his shock, pressing closer and bringing his hands up to my hair. I run my tongue along his bottom lip and he parts his mouth slightly, allowing me to slip my tongue in and explore his mouth. My tongue rubs against his as I grab his his hips and pull him closer, groaning as his ass rubs against my groin. 

The noise supprises us both as we lean back. as the the same time, panting for air. I blush heavily, looking at anything but his eyes.

"S-sorry.." He shrugs, sitting on the bed next to me instead. Neither of us say anything as we lay back, staring at the ceiling and thinking. We both shoot up as my dogs bark for about 2 seconds before being shushed by a familiar voice. The steps creaked gently and Harleys face pops out around the corner as she smiles brightly. The smile fell when she saw Rowan.

"Hey.. I heard what happened. I'm sorry." Rowan shrugs, taking a sip of water that is on my nightstand. "I punched Zack. though if it makes you feel any better." Rowan nearly chokes on his water as I cross my arms and glare at her.

"No fair! I wanted to do that." She smirks and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well I got to him first, plus I'm a minor and a girl. He can't hit me back." I pout and throw a shoe at her playfully, which she easily knocks out of the air.

"Why'd you hit him?" Rowan asks, picking up one of my kittens that had wandered into the room.

"We're cousins. You don't have any siblings so I have to be your big sister. We stick together no matter what. Remember? We don't let anything come between us." She smiles and brushes her multi-colored bangs out of her eyes.

"You know I'm older than you right.." Rowan replies in a monotone voice, stroking Mago's striped head. Harley rolls her eyes shrugging again. 

We hung out for another hour, talking about random things before Rowan stood up, announcing he and Harley had to go. I glanced at the clock, seeing it is 4 in the evening.

"How did time pass so quickly? And I missed breakfast.. " I mutter to myself, jumping out of my skin as my brother leaning in the doorway grins.

"I see you're talking to yourself again." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. I get up, flipping him off and walking over to the window overlooking our quiet neighborhood.

Everything looks wet, but in a beautiful way. Kind of like spring showers, although it was only early fall. The leaves have begun changing colors, a few leaves beginning to drift to the ground.

I hear John walking up beside me, not speaking for a few minutes as we stare out at pure peacefulness. Finally he speaks, his voice barely a whisper.

"I miss mom.." I immediately stiffen, glancing in his direction and swallowing the lump that suddenly appeared in my throat.

"I don't...but I wonder what she's doing... if she's hurting anyone else.."

"I'm really sorry she hurt you. You could have told me." He replies, but I sigh, shaking my head.

"What's done is done." I stare back out the street again, not getting a reply as I watch a car pull up to our house. I blink and lean closer to get a better look, seeing a tall skinny woman get out of it.

My stomach drops to my feet, I feel dizzy, my heart quickens.
I stop breathing as my step mother walks up to my house and knocks on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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