Chapter 1: The Mission

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I leaned back in my chair. "Sounds easy enough." Why'd they keep giving us the easy jobs? We could handle stuff way harder than this. "Just five guys, early twenties?"

Alexis Ride, my partner, was looking down, she looked sick. I mean not like this job enough didn't make her look sick, it'd make anyone sick, but we'd grown used to it. She looked truly sick.

Our boss, Charlie Randell, nodded.  

"Names?" I asked typing my fingers against the desk.

Charlie looked down at the paper, "Harry-"

Alexis groaned. She banged her head down on the table.

We both stared at her for a second. Charlie cleared his throat, "Is something the matter Alexis?"

"Styles?" she said to the table, it was barely audible.

Charlie nodded, "Do you know him?"

She sighed and brought her head back up, "Uh. No." she coughed, "No, not really."

Me and Charlie quickly exchanged looks. "That sounds so famialar..." I said. "Oh! He's in that band, right?" 

"Yeah," Alexis said, "One Direction."

"Well what'd he do?" I asked.

"Three seventeen year old girls," he said pulling three pictures out of a folder and sliding them across the table towards me. There were three girls, a blonde, and two red heads. I slid them to Alexis after looking over them. "They were entending one of their concerts. After the show the suspects met up with the girls and brought them back to their tour bus. Not only are they underage, but all three girls were found dead in the morning."

"So take them out?" I asked.

"Not exactly, Ash." he said, "They're only suspected. We have someone else on three other suspects. You two will have to befriend them."

Alexis actually smiled a bit now.

"Then we'll figure out where to go from there." Charlie said.

"Perfect." I said

Alexis didn't answer, she was normally loud and jumpy. But now she was quiet, a completely different person.

"Okay," Charlie said, "You know how to get ahold of me if you need anything."

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Alexis said as I opened the door to the hotel. "I can't believe we get to meet One Direction!"

"Meet and most likely kill," I said.

"They're innocent." she said. "I know it."

"You can't be so sure." I said, tapping the 'Up' button on the elevator. "So you like this band, huh?"

"Of course!" she squealed. "I'm meeting my idols!"

"You have to keep your cool or this isn't going to work," I said stepping into the elevator. "Remember, we're reporters. We have to force becoming friends with them."

"Whatever." she said. The elevator door opened and her face went white.

I walked out but she wouldn't budge. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the elevator. "Here it is." I said stopped in front of the door written on the folder.

"I'm going to faint." Alexis said. She was as pale as a ghost.

"You're fine." I said knocking on the door. Apparently that was the endpoint, because Alexis fell on the ground. "Seriously?" I mumbled. 

A tall, curly haired guy opened the door. He looked at me and smiled and then looked down at Alexis. "Oh my gosh, what happened?"  

"She's a fan." I chuckled, "I'm Ashton Reily and she's Alexis Ride, the interviewers."

"We might have to wait till she comes too." he said laughing. He picked her up and walked inside, "Come in." She was honestly leaving me alone with all five of them. This was not happening.

The guy lied her on the couch. "I'm Harry." he said.

The blonde one walked out.

Harry turned to me, "Liam, Zayn, and Louis aren't here. They'll be back in like fifteen minutes." 

"Okay," I said uneasily, I said down on the edge of the couch.

"You that Ashton chick?" the blonde one said.

I nodded.

"Niall." he said, "Should I be concerned about the unconscience girl on my couch?"

"Yeah." Harry said, "She probably needs some water or something." everyone was silent for a minute, "That means you should go get some water Niall."

Niall rolled his eyes and wandered off into the kitchen. He returned a minute later with a glass of water, "How exactly do I get her to drink this?"

Harry was silent for a minute, "Maybe we should google how to wake up an unconscience person?"

"I got this." Niall said, he walked over to the couch, he flipped over the glass of water all over Alexis' face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2012 ⏰

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