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"AHHH!!" Tony yelled aloud as he awakened.

He began breathing in and out deeply. His PTSD had been dormant for 5 years, ever since he had stopped building suits obsessively, but it seemed to be  acting up these past few days.

When he managed to catch his breath, he turned to see Nebula looking at him.

"You alright, Tony?"


As Tony leaned back against the side of the chair, the reality of the situation began to sink back in. He was stranded in space, aboard the ship that had once belonged to the Guardians Of The Galaxy, who had all faded to dust with the exception of Gamora, who had been sacrificed by the Mad Titan, Thanos, to obtain the Soul Stone.

Author's Note:

Remember, Tony and Nebula don't know that Rocket survived the Decimation.

Author's Note 2: The official name is now called the Blip.

"Had another bad dream?" Nebula asked.

Tony placed his face in his hands. "I can't stop thinking about her."


"Yes," Tony said, "Whenever I drift off, I dream about her," He turned his head to look at Nebula. "Always."

Nebula nodded. Tony started telling her about Pepper recently, and she had listened to him, knowing that he felt extremely sorrowful, and thought it was only fair that she lend an ear to Tony.

"Oh, right," Nebula said. "I found something for you."

"What is it?"

"An energy bar." She replied. "I know you need food. This will keep you from starving for a while," Nebula passed it to Tony. "Eat it slowly, though-it's the last one."

Tony took the purple-coloured packet from Nebula and peeled it open.


"You're welcome," Nebula replied. "I'm going to go try to fix the ship again. I'll be at the back if you need me."

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