Dragon prince

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      AN: This is the full story with the weird ending. The next chapter will be the beginning repeated so you know where the story will change from, and you can just follow from there i guess.
     Not so long ago, maybe like 20 years or so, on a summer night in the kingdom of Myday a unknown figure wearing a black cloak and carrying a basket appeared at the Knight Commander's doorstep. They looked around then gently set the basket down and knocked on the door and scurried around the corner, as to not be seen. The door opens and a tall, noticly buff man appeared. He looks down at the basket and then around to see if anyone was around.  He picked up the basket and uncovered the contents. There in the basket was a baby boy who was staring at the man with big bright brown eyes. Sighing the man looked around again then went into his cottage and closed the door.
"Jackson the stork came with your baby," the noticly buff man called out, while setting the basket on the table and looking up and his housemate, Jackson. He looked up at the man with a happy but questioning look.
"Your pregnant?"Jackson asked,"But how did you find out? I thought you were going to answer the door? Not that I'm not happy about it Mark, it's just I don't think it's mine." Mark gave Jackson a look that could kill.
"No Jackson, someone left a baby on our doorstep." Mark respond while looking back down at the baby and noticing a note tied to the basket. He picked it up and read aloud. "I'm sorry to do this to you but you are the only people I can trust with my baby. His name is Changbin. Please take care of him"
"Hi Changbin, your such a cutie. We are keeping him, Mark, you get no say in this." Jackson told Mark. With an eye roll Mark agreed and they decided raise the child together.
I was two when I first heard this story. I had asked my dads why I didn't didn't have a mom like the other kids. This was also the same year I met Felix. I remember it like it was yesterday.
I got to go see him when he was first born, and I remember looking at him in his crib and my father telling me it will be my duty to protect him as we grow older. I also remember how even though everyone was celebrating the birth they were also mourning the death of the queen.  
Over the next few years we grow up together. We would take classes and play together. Though things changed a little when the Felix turned 5. The king found a new wife. I remember Felix being very happy in the beginning, that he would have a mom. But then she started to give him more chores and a tighter curfew. The king before would spoil Felix, but the new queen somehow convinced the king that Felix needed to do more work around the castle if he were to grow up and be any sort of a good person. The king agreed and I started to see less and less of my best friend. In about 3 months I would only see him at ceremonies. Where we tried to talk but weren't allowed to  because the queen was watching his every move to make sure he didn't do anything she didn't approve of. And if he were to she would make his chores harder and he would get grounded. Soon I wouldn't even see him then.  It was like this till I turned 18.
Because I'm the Knight Commander's son I've been training to take his place. Since I'm 18 now and have finished my training, I can officially become a knight, except I have to do something heroic.
"Daaaad,"I said" What am I supposed to do? Everything around here is so peaceful."
"I don't know kid. When I became a knight I didn't have to do a heroic, but this new queen comes up with the weirdest rules."My Father responded.
"I'm home" shouted my Dad from the doorway," and I have news." He walked into our living room and sat next to me on the sofa.
"What is the news? Good or bad?" I asked excitedly.
" I'm not sure how to classify it, but if i were to take a guess it would be bad news." Dad answered"Basically there have been sighting of a dragon over on the west side of the kingdom. It hasn't came into the kingdom but I heard it's gotten pretty close."
"Really? That's awesome!" I says as I stand up.
"Are you sure? Because the look on your father's face says otherwise."Dad says.
"Because this means I can kill the dragon and become a knight."I says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I watch as my dads look back and forth from me to each other.
"MMMM I don't know if that's a good idea son. Dragons are really dangerous and I don't think your ready for this." Dad tells me softly. My smile drops and I sigh dramatically.
"Yeah I guess." I say dejectedly. My parents smiled at me. "I'm going to go hang out with Chris and Han I'll be home later." I say as I pick up my stuff and head out the door.
"Okay sweaty have fun and stay safe." Dad says to me as I exit the house. I shot Chan and Han a text telling them to met me at our hang out spot immediately, and started walking there myself. I quickly arrived at what we have named 3Racha base, and Chan and Han arrived right after I did.
"What's up Changbin?"Chris asked.
"Alright, so have you heard  about the dragon that was spotted on the west side of the kingdom? No? Well now you have and we are going to kill it so we can become knights."I told them.
"Ok sounds cool to me. When and where are we going to meet up and should I bring snacks?" Han answered.
"Your just going to agree to that? Like he doesn't sound crazy?"Chris said while looking back and forth between me and Han.
"Yeah I trust him. Plus I have nothing to live for anyways."Han responded. I rested my arm around Han's shoulds and smiled at him.
"Thanks Han, so you in Chris?"I asked with a smile on my face.
"I guess I can't let you guys dies on your own."He responded with a sigh, while me and Han cheered.
That night we packed up our stuff and snuck out and met at the 3Racha bases. Once we were all there we headed for the west side of the kingdom, trying not to be noticed but also trying not to hid and look suspicious. After a 30 minute walk we made it to where the sighting were.
"Well now what?"Han asked.
"Honestly I didn't think we would get this far." I answered. I could feel Chris's stare and hear his sigh.
"I guess it's a good thing I planned for this."he finally said." we climb up to the cave it was seen flying. See if it's in there then if it is we throw the dragon bomb thingy in and if it's not we leave."
"Sounds fine to me."I said while starting to climb. The cave wasn't very far up and we were able to reach it within 10 minutes. We stood at the edge of the cave and looked at eachother.
"Well I guess we go in."I said taking a step forward. We walked in as quietly as possible. The farther we went in the darker it got making it harder for us to see. All of the sudden I was on the ground with a loud thud. I then heard a screech and felt hot breath on my neck. I quickly sat up and was staring the dragon in the eyes.  Though strangely I wasn't scared. Looking into its eyes seemed strangely calming.
"I think the dragon heard you." Han stated. The dragon and I looked at him and shook our heads. We then looked back at each other.
"Why hasn't it eated you?" Chris asked.
"I'm not quite sure, but I strangely feel like I know it"I answered while sitting up and sticking my hand out to touch it. It wided it's eyes and nodded it's head.
"I do know you?" I asked it. It nodded it's head again.
"So, it understands english. Weird most dragons can't unless they were humans." Han said. The dragon nodded.
"Wow so you were a human and I know you. Wait, how did you know that Han?"I questioned.
"I read a lot of books. Plus dragons are cool." He answered and walked closer to the dragon to touch it.  I dragon looked at him and had what resembled a smile on its face. While this was happening I checked my phone to see that the sun would rise soon and we were definitely going to get in trouble for sneaking out.
"Guys it's almost morning we should probably head home." I told the other boys. The dragon shook its head trying to  tell us not to. "What is it why don't you want us to leave?" I asked it. All the sudden there was a bright flash of light and we couldn't see anything. When the light died down we could see a small framed boy laying on the ground. I ran up to him and saw it was my best friend and the prince.
"Felix!" I shouted, and he slowly opened his eyes.
'Hi, Binnie." He said with the brightest smile on his face.
"Oh my. The dragons the prince? But how? Who did this to you?" Chris asked while crouching down next to us.
"It was my stepmother. After she moved in, she cursed me hoping that a knight would kill me and she would be able to take the throne from me and my father." Felix told us.
"Is there anyway to fix it?" I asked. Looking at the boys.
"She would always tell me the only way to get rid of it was to get my true love to kill her, but she treated to kill my father if I tried to tell anyone." Felix answered
"So who is your true love?" Han asked "I bet it has to be someone important to you." Felix blushed and looked down.
"Well I'm not sure but my best guess is Changbin." he said looking up at me. I blushed but nodded my head.
"Well looks like I'm killing the queen." I said with a chuckle. "I need a plan."
"You? More like we."Chris said. We then heard voices heading our way.
"Felix? Are you up?" The queen's voice rang out.
"No time for a plan looks like we have to wing it." Han said.
"Felix try to get her out by the ledge outside the cave."I quickly said, turning to the guys while we found somewhere to hid.
"Felix? I asked you a question." Her voice got louder as she came closer.
"Yes ma'am. I'm up is it time to leave?"Felix asked her.
"Mm yes it is come on now I have places to be." she said walking away. We followed them as they walked out and hid as best as we could till they were right outside the cave looking over the cliff.
"Your majesty could you please wait as I tie my shoe?"
"Hurry." She said as she turned to look out on the kingdom. It was perfect I jumped out of our hiding spot and pushed her off the cliff.
"AAaaaaaAAAaAAAaAaaaA" she screamed on her way down, hitting the ground with  a thud.
"You did it!" Felix shouted,and we all hugged. We climbed down the mountain and went straight to the castle. We explained everything to the king and he apologised profusely for not seeing it earlier. Because we fixed cured his only son the king knighted me and the boys. A few years later Felix and I got married and we all lived happily ever after.

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