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The following is a fan-based story. Highschool DXD the lightnovel, manga, and anime belong to their respected creator. Please support the official release.

In a universe far away, an epic battle between 10 spaceships of the Matic Empire and one lone ship of the Diabo Alliance is fought.

"Captain the ship can't take much more." (CO)

"I know, but we can't allow these bastards to take the Dimensional Watch."(Captain)


"All power on shields" (1st crewmen)

"We're giving it all we got" (2nd crewmen)

Booooooom! Alert, Alert!

"Captain the magic core has been damaged and the engine has been destroyed!" A mechanic appears on the screen showing distress.

The control room shows signs of equipment malfunctioning.

(Captain the ship won't hold!)

The captain pauses and stops to watch all his men. He sees their defeated expression and quickly comes to a decision.

"Men it has been an honor fighting alongside you."(Captain)

"Captain what are you planning?" (CO)

"The Watch is too powerful to let it fall into the enemy’s hand, especially to that damn emperor."(Captain)

"That's true with that device he could transport his armies in any world and conquer it without giving any government time to plan and regroup, even our home." (Crew woman)

"So we're going to destroy it"(3rd crewmen)

"Unfortunately it's indestructible" (The captain said with an annoyed expression.)

"How" (The Helmsman spoke with an exasperated tone)

"Don't know" (Captain says shrugging his shoulders)

Boom, Boom

"The ship is about blow. Even if we use it, we'll end up exploding in where ever we end up. The only option is to send it to a random destination."

"Sir is that wise."

"Don't know, don't care. All I care about is giving these bastards a surprise and make sure they don't get their claws on it. Are you with me?!"

"Yeah let's do it for the comrades they took!"

"For the army!"

"For the Alliance!"

With that, the lone surviving ship starts flying straight at the ten ships. Seeing what the last ship was trying to do the other ten start trying to separate and shoot faster at the lone ship.
Somehow miraculously the ship stayed together and headed in the direction on the leader. Until finally it collides with the lead ship and exploded taking everyone else.

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