11 - The Meatloaf is Prodigious

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I saw the the big dish of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the mean meatloaf.
Mean meatloaf.
A mean meatloaf is gargantuan. a mean meatloaf is prodigious,
a mean meatloaf is intense, however.

The mexican that's really spicy,
Above all others is the top taco.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the top taco,
Gently it goes - the gamy, the naughty, the pungent.

Pious patty is meat potatoes.
meat potatoes is pious patty.
Ooze. ooze, ooze.

All that is little is not better burger,
better burger, by all account is big.
Now bigger is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the better burger is astronomical.

I saw the the broiled cut of meat of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the succulent steak.
Now grilled is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the succulent steak is cooked.

How happy is the spicy, structural sandwich!
Down, down, down into the darkness of the structural sandwich,
Gently it goes - the tasteful, the savory, the pungent.

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