Wheelchair girl and hot boy

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   Everyone says that the new boy is really hot. I didn't think anything about it , until I see they weren't lying. He had glasses, and he had bright blue eyes, and jet black hair. He came up to me and I was confused. "Hi i'm Jackson blation. What's your name, cause you seem like you could use a friend." Jackson said as someone pushes me into the lockers behind me. Jackson went running after the boy who pushed me. I run after him and say "Hey wait up... My name is Emily staton and I'm a geek so why even talk to me?" with a smile on my face. He looks at me smiling and he takes my hand and says "Because your more than a geek." Then he winks and leaves to sign up for football.

Everyone is looking at me like I'm a superstar.I look around and look confused. I go to my friend max lambert and ask "Can you help me? The new kid was being nice to me.. No one is nice to me unless they like me or wanna be friends or are already friends." Max answers like he was sad "Well,do you like him and his looks?" I start to think,Jackson is pretty cute and on the football team..well,he signed up. I anwserd as people start to crowd around me " Well I don't know him to well yet,so it would be a lie if I said I like him yet."

After school I saw that Jackson was kissing a girl that I knew. I run home as tears flow off my face.I was laying on my bed and a random number texts me and says "Hey Its Jackson Blation And I'm Sorry That You Saw Her And I Kissing." I text back saying "How do I know its you??" Then I hear the door bell ring and I go down-stairs. I see this handsome and blue eyed boy and it was Jackson and I say "H-hi." as I start blush "Wh-why are you here??" he looks at me as my face gets even more red. I look at him in his eyes and smile.

"So,do you wanna hang out?? Not a date,just as friends. What do you say Cutie?" He starts to look like he is blushing. I say looking down "S-sure as long as my mom is okay with it." I walk in my mom's room and ask "Hey mom,can I study with jackson??" She says with a smile on her face "Sure,baby." I go back to the door and nod approving that he can study with me in my room.

I walk to my room and it's a blue and has a really big bed in it. I get my history book and open my book to page 177.He looks at me and says "I think we need to talk and not study,because I need to know more about you.....to be for real I-I really like you." I look at him as I take my hair down. I look at him and smile "I do....too and I feel the same..let's talk then we can study." He starts slowly starting to tell me about him. He starts with "I like the color blue,bright blue.I love anything spicy and I love drawing." I lay down,sleepy,hungry and thirsty. Only reason I was hungry,tired,and thirsty was because my mom hasn't been payed in a while,meaning she doesn't have a job. My dad isn't around,he left after I was born. I asked with tears trying to come from my eyes "I really don't wanna ask,but do you 20 or 30$ that I can borrow?" He looks at me with a serious face and ask's "You okay? I don't wanna be rude but....are you p-poor????" I look at him and say "No my mom just doesn't have a lot of money at the time....." He gives me a hundred dollar bill as I say "T-this is to much!" I tear up as I continue "T-thanks..But why??" He opens his book to page 177 and says "Because I wanted to and we need to study."

As I start to read a question I think of why he likes me if he doesn't know me. "Jackson....is it okay if i call you jack and it's blue.." He looks at me confused and says "what do you mean blue? Sure call me whatever you want...since were friends." I smile and yawn and ask " my fav color is blue and,aren't you tired???" He nodes and got his stuff and went out the door as I grab his hand and kiss him. He tasted like Hersey and ice-cream. He looked surprised and we sat on my bed and made-out. My mom walks in and clears her throat and he jumps and says "Bye, Miss. Staton." He ran out smiling.

The next day I had a skirt and a crop top on. Since I was in high school I could wear that. I blushed as I looked at Jackson and he smiles back. I thought that the kiss was important to him but I see another girl by his side holding his hand, I run to the bathroom crying after I saw that.

A girl walks in the bathroom and says " Hello.. Are you okay?? Is that Emily?? Look I know your hurting and you don't want to come out....but someone likes you.His name is Jackson..So please come out...I also like you as my friend." I come out and see an old friend that I always wanted to talk to again,her name is Jade Yoo, I start to tear up again,but with happiness. I hug her as tight as I can, I say "I love you Jade..Thanks..you saved me." She looks at me and smiles as a few tears come from our eyes.She says " I love you more and I'm sorry for what I did in middle school,friends?" I nod with passion and we sit there until the bell rung.

I walked up to Jackson and smiles and say "Hey." I start to blush "Did you want to kiss me or what?" he looks at me and kisses me on the cheek and says "Of course and Will you go on a date with me so we can be a couple..." I smiles and answer "Yes my prince!"

I smile as I walk home that day and as I was walking,Max runs to me and says "Really??!! How could you!!!!??!?!?! Your gonna let a stupid boy take you out??!! I LOVE YOU HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU??!!!" I say " I didn't you even...liked me.... Oh no,no,no!!!! Max I need to say no to him because I may like you back OH NO!!!" I look back and he was passing in the road as a car goes really fast and he doesn't notice,so I tackle him,so he didn't get hit and I feel this deep pain all inside and I faintly hear his voice.As he screams for help.

I feel all these pains everywhere and Max is crying in the seat beside me in the ambulance. I hear things but I can't talk. I hear all types of words and then I hear Jade,My Mom,Jackson,and Max. I fall asleep and wake up for long enough for Max to kiss me on the lips.I smile and kiss him back and say "I love you max..more than jackson!" Jackson looks and gets mad at him for kissing me. Jackson walks out with Max and they both hug one another and cry on one another shoulders. Days later I wake up. I look up and both Max and Jackson were both laying in the chairs beside me and Jackson wakes up after a while because he hears a noise as I turn the television on.

He looks up as he see's me awake. He looks up and smiles as he said " How are you??" I look at Max instead of Jackson. I say this meaning it "M-max... I...don't know who I love...give me..time." Max runs out of the room and Jackson runs after him,after they come back and tell me that they are brothers and their parents are split up and I think how bad I feel and then my doctor comes in and says "Glad your awake because we need to talk about when you are getting out of here..." I look up surprised because I thought I would never get out of the hospital. "When... Please tell me soon.." He smiles and says " soon like on Wednesday....But...you may be in a wheel chair...." I cry as Jackson walks in and he says "Whats wrong doc? Please tell me that she'll be okay." Jackson has tears in his eyes "Jackson may I talk to you in the hall?" The doctor says.They talk and he comes back a bit sad. My mom gets back from doing something that I didn't know about. She walks in and says "Relax you'll be normal....just no....legs..."

I cry and look down at my legs and they are gone. Four days later, I was at home trying to work with the fake legs.I was tired and I wasn't looking foreword to school because I've almost mastered walking and running with the fake legs. I was planning on using the wheel chair anyway.

I was at school the next day and people were talking about me but then Jackson came up to me in my wheel chair and kissed me to where everyone would leave me be. I say " I think I love you " as I blush and smile,Max comes to me and does the same as Jackson did and that was a mistake.It was an hour later and time to go home so I head home. I was almost home but I saw something in the distance and it was Jackson and Max.They were punching and hitting one another. I try to get over there and Jackson stoped as he see's me and they both pause.I scream "WHAT THE HECK??!!" They both run after me and I get home and slam the door in their face and they bang on the door as they both have blood on their face.

"What in the world has happened to them...."I say as I think about why they could be fighting.I never knew why people fought so much about dumb stuff.But I guess its okay or maybe normal.

It has been about 10 years ever since me and jackson started dating and that night of our 10 year anniversary he proposed to me. I said yes and we began to be happy and never really have issues.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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