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No return address
18th October 2023
Anthony Black
CEO, Energy Lives
123 Buring St
G, USA 12845

Dear Anthony,

"Sticks and Stones may break my bones,

But words will always hurt me"

Remember when you said that to me, I do. It was the first time you ever spoke to me and it was to make a joke, it wasn't a very good one but we laughed anyway and exchanged names and it was that moment I knew I loved you. I played it cool and never gave myself away because I knew you loved her. I was content with our friendship it was all I needed.

Everything was great, it was all ok. Until the day you asked me to stay. She cheated on you again like I said she would, but I consoled you and let you cry in my arms. And you left me to Die, gun in her hands as she pulled the trigger and caused me to disappear. She was so in love with you but she was just so jealous of us that she felt that I needed to disappear, and you did nothing but watch. My blood will forever stain your shoes, but Anthony I forgive you. The only thing I want you to remember is the sound of my screams when you're marrying my sister.


The Girl You Left To Die

The Girl You Left To DieWhere stories live. Discover now