•Chapter Three • The Bet•

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After school, I meet up with Hiccup and Kristoff and we walk to my house. Eugene should be meeting us there.

"So how was everyone's first day?" Hopefully better than mine.

"It was alright. All we did was take notes all day." Kristoff says. He's not quite as flirtatious as the rest of us, so he doesn't say anything about the girls in his classes. The thing about Kristoff is when he gets in a relationship, he really gets in it. He may joke around a little bit, but he doesn't get serious with anyone unless he really loves her.

Hiccup says. He pushes his glasses up, looking like one of those Japanese anime characters. "My first class is pretty fun, my second would be boring, but there's a girl in there that works on student council with us that's pretty cool. Third is cool, and fourth would be great, but Mr. Eric isn't the best teacher."

"Wanna hear about my day?" They all nod as we walk into my awesome house. "Well my first three classes were typical, whatever lamo, but then I got to yearbook. I had to work with this girl, Elsa, and she was really weird!"

"Weird how?" Eugene is already there, ready to join the conversation.

"Well, she was really quiet. And when I basically gave her permission to flirt with me, she didn't take it!"

The guys start laughing at the last part. "Well, not every girl is in love with you." Hiccup points out.

"Yeah they are!" I don't mean it, but I'm still shocked at what happened. It's not everyday the Jack Frost gets rejected; especially by an unpopular girl. "And I bet you she is, maybe she's just shy!"

"Okay, okay. I bet you 20 bucks that she doesn't like you." Kristoff says.

"I'll bet you 20 bucks I can get her to like me." I'm not even sure if I'm joking or not.

"You're on. I give you two months." Everyone's laughing again, surprised that this is actually happening.

"Fine. We start tomorrow." Kristoff and I shake hands.

"Now enough about you, let's talk about me!" Eugene says excitedly.

*hey guys sorry this chapter is soooo short!! I just wanted to have a scene with the bet and I didn't really wanna add anything else!

Thanks for reading, comment what you think!!*

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