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A day later once they thought that I had fully recovered from my "episode" It happened again, and this time I couldn't even remember the sounds. They did an MRI and found nothing, they took my blood, did a CAT scan, motor function tests, psych tests, everything you could think of. All came back negative, as far as they could tell nothing was wrong with me, I was perfectly healthy. That is the day I met Dalia, they were taking me to my second MRI of the day (to make sure my brain was intact I assume) when I saw her. I can't describe exactly how it felt but image looking at someone who you went to kindergarten with years later, you know that you have known them for a really long time, even though you haven't seen them for years. I could tell as soon as I saw her that we were connected but that didn't last long because almost as soon as I tried to talk to her, she passed out, me blacking out at the same time. Now I know what you are thinking right now, "OMG how did this happen so early in the story" right? But let me tell you a little secret, this is not nearly the most dramatic thing that happened to me that year, or even that week. So don't worry there will be plenty more drama to come. At this point my family, extended family included were all there when I woke up. They were on freaking out but me on the other hand, I was more calm then I think I have ever been. But at the same time I was terrified. It felt like some force was pushing my terror down, making sure that I didn't show how I truly felt, almost like the force was used to it. Oh I started to think about it, it's not some force you idiot it's a person. Someone like me. Although I say that it sunk in at that moment I don't think it ever really did, not even now years later. As I started to gain my consciousness back again I realized the scariest part of this, I could remember anything about when I was passed out. Nothing... please I think not now please, Please! . Still nothing no sights, no sounds, not even a feeling. I didn't realize it then but apparently I had spent about twenty minutes trying to remember, periodically opening my eyes and taking a big breath before turning purple from lack of air. Finally I gave up and looked around, everyone was there, in my room, all. Of. them. They don't usually all come like this; my mom doesn't like to call them up unless she has lots to handle or is very worried. The last time I say them was the day we buried my father. Stop thinking you idiot you will not cry in front of them all! Stop it........ No don't you do it! I kept looking up at the ceiling waiting for someone other than Date to realize I was there. He looked at me smiled and then quickly mouthed "watch your cheeks" . Although this may sound strange to anyone but my family it was a true warning. We have an tîa Tati who pinches our cheeks every time she sees us. Hard. I chuckle a bit looking at his impression and then realize my mistake. Oh no, please no. they didn't notice right? I was wrong they did notice and soon they were all lining up to pinch the cheeks and talk about how much I have grown. The last in line is my mom looking at me with tears in her eyes she says, "you scared us mi amore" I chuckle reach for a hug before quickly retracting my arms from the pain. It wasn't from my arm, or my head, or my cheeks for that matter. It was my memories. 


This will not be updated for a little bit, I am trying to get in the swing of updating and writing my other story before getting into this one.

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