It was Friday mom was gonna pull the plug if kamron didn't wake up... (this is Kamron btw) and it was time we all walked into the room

"Boys... can you sing her favorite song and I know she would want her brother to hold her hand if so" mom said I hold her cold hand and we got into the lonely circle

Brother let me be your shelter, I'll never leave you all alone, Be the one you call when your low, Brother Let me be your Fortress, when the night winds are driving on, I'll be the one to light the way, bring you home

In my mind I was saying Squeeze my hand is your okay...

"Sis if you can hear me squeeze my hand" I said crying Before the doctor touch the plug...

Kamron Squeezed my hand

"Brother let me be your shelter, I'll never leave you all alone, be the one to call when your low"
She sung really Quietly

"DOCTOR DONT PULL THE PLUG PLEASE I CHANGE MY Mind please" Mom yelled sobbing seeing Kamron awake

"Yes ma"am I'll give you a few moments" he looked as shocked as we were

"Bean....." She said I looked at Everyone Why nodded and walked out...

"Big bean I'm sorry..." She began to cry I Hugged her as she was laying down and laid next to her and she rest her head on my shoulder... "I'm so so sorry Corbean... I didn't mean to cut myself I should've came to you not try to kill my self I'm a terrible Sister" she sobbed I hugged her and cried my own self

"No no no don't say that i should've came to you when you had all the drama If anyone is a terrible siblings it's me.. in sorry" 

"No Way your the best sibling now can I do home I wanna sleep?"

"Yeah you slept for 2 weeks your not gonna go to sleep at least a week" he said

"Oh and Your never gonna have razor again" he said


"I don't want you to cut anymore"

"I understand"

"If you need to shave I'll watch you"

"What no way"

"Ok no shaving"


"Love you so much"

"Love you too"

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