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   I sat on my patio listening to my neighbor next door yell at someone. I heard his patio door open and a woman come out. She was small and had purple hair. I'd seen her before at the college. Never spoke just listened to everyone else.  I waved at her and she climbed over the wall. My neighbor came out and looked at me. I stared and he went back inside. The girl was sitting on my patio crying. I got up and kneeled down to her. I realized she had Hearing Aids in. I got up and opened my patio door. She looked up and I motioned her inside. When she stood up I realized she was only to my chest. I shut the door behind us and sat on the couch.
  'What's your name?' I signed to her. I took in her bright blue eyes and felt my stomach flip.
  'Emma Elize. What's yours?' Shr signed back. I nodded and smiled.
   'Drake Emaji. How old are you?' I signed again. Emma smiled and her eyes shimmered. She was the definition of beauty.
  'I'm 21. I'm sorry I came over here. Samuel was yelling and breaking things.' Emma signed looking down at her sneakers. I sighed and stood up. Her head snapped up.
  'I'll go talk to him stay here. Also I'm 19' I signed heading to the front door.
I walked out and left it open a bit. I knocked on Samuel's door. He opened and glared at me.
"Look I got upset she didn't put out. But I promise you I didn't touch her. She lives in the Boonies so please take her home. Make sure you walk her to her door too," he said. I nodded and shook his hand. Samuel is a good guy just a bad temper. I walked back to my door as he closed his. Emma was sitting on my couch still. Looking terrified. I closed the door and walked over.
    'He feels bad but asked me to escort you home. I can drive you.' I signed sitting down. She shook her head and started to cry again.
   'Please don't I'm scared of the people there. They're not right almost inhuman, Emma signed back. I patted her knee and stood up again. I gently pulled her up into my arms. She shook in my arms and I rubbed her back. I looked down and she shifted to look up. Her eyes watery and blue like the ocean.

I set the blankets and pillow on my couch. Emma was in the bathroom. She had described her neighbors like they were aliens. Extremely tall, gray skin, speak in an almost impossible language, and never sleep. Emma said taller than me and I'm 6'4! The bathroom door opened and Emma emerged in my sweater with basketball shorts. I smiled at her and walked over. Suddenly she put her arms around me. I blinked and patted her head. I picked her up and walked over to the couch. I layed her down and put the blanket over her.
  'Goodnight. If you need anything just come get me' I signed. Emma nodded and rolled to her side. I turned off the light and headed to my room. I spotted her hearing aids on the bathroom counter top. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My eyes fluttered close and then black.

  ***Emma is about 5'1***

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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