Chapter 1: New Zealand

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"Hey..." I said while walking toward her.
"Hey! Good Morning" She said to me.
Joy is my bestfriend since I was 11 years old. Now, we are 16. She is my bestie. I call her 'J'.
"Any news, J?" I ask her while searching for my book in my locker.
" Yes. Yesterday, I was walking home from school. Suddenly, I bumped into someone. You know who is the person?" She said with excited tone.
I raised my shoulder.
" It was Justin Bieber!!!" She jumped.
( I don't know why it seem ridiculous😅. I don't know who I want to mention. Justin bieber name suddenly popped out from my head.)
" Wow.. Really?" I said while not looking at her.
" I know you are not the 'big' fan of Justin Bieber, But.. I am!" She jumped suddenly hit my locker.
"Ouch!" She touched her head.
I laughed.
" Enough, let's go," I pulled her.
"Rosé, Mr. George" She said while pointing at him.
I run to my place.
"Stand up! Good Morning, Mr. George!" Class monitor said.
" Take a seat. I told you yesterday, we have a quiz today" He said while taking his projector out.
" You can choose your partner".
I quickly run to Joy.
" Ready for some QUIZ?" She said.
I nodded.
In my class, I'm the smartest kid. I always get A+ in English, Math, Chemistry, History, Science, I'll make it easier, ALL. I always get first place in class and Joy is at second or third place.
"Time for recess!!!" I pull Joy.
"Hey! Not to fast!" She try to catch me up.
At the canteen..
" Where?" I said to Joy.
"There. Our spot" She point the table.
I run to the table.
" Ops. My place" Jane said while sit at 'our' table.
"Let's find another table" I said while glare at her.
We found a table and quickly sit there.
"What is wrong with Jane? We used to be friend" Joy said with annoyed tone.
" I don't know. Since we are different classes, she rarely spend time with us. Now, she's kind of hate us. I hope we will reunite" I said while looking down.
Suddenly, Jane came to us.
" Why are you two sitting here? I've kept your seat there. Just sit there before someone else sits." Jane said.
Me and Joy go to the table and sit there.
" I thought you hate us?" Joy said.
We take a sit.
" Pff.. What? Hate you two? Never! By the way, I'm just kidding.." She said while taking my banana.
"Hey! It's my banana," I said while trying to get it back.
She won't let me. I pouted.
"Aww~ You're too cute.. Who can say 'no' to this chipmunk" She give it back.
" Rosé, tell us more about your life at Korea," Jane said.
" Okay, I was born in Auckland, New Zealand on 11 February 1997. I live here,  Melbourne, Australia.
I live there for about 10 years, I guess?I was Korean. My mom is Korean and my dad is half- korean.I met Joy when our mom leave us two with a babysitter. That time I know her and became bestfriend. About my life in Korea? It was great.. I have a friend and her name is Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo, Jihyo, Sana and more. But my bestie is Lisa. She is from Thailand. Her full name is Lalisa Manoban. But, we call her Lisa. She is a kind and caring person. She moved to Korea when she was 6, I guess? That time she is a new student in my school. She had no friends. So, I decided to bring her around, looking whole school, Then, I told her 'if you need anything, just search for me' and that time, we spend alot of times together. We start to became closer and became bestie. Jennie and Jisoo in my older sister, senior. Jisoo full name is Kim Jisoo. She was 18. Jennie, Jennie Kim. 17. Jisoo is not fluent in English. Jennie, she can speak English. At korea, we call 'unnie'. They also my bestie. We spend alot of time together. It was so fun..
Then, Park Jihyo. We call her Jihyo.. She is my bestie too. But, she rarely talk to me. But, she is still my bestfriend. Sana? She is from Japan. Her full name is Minatozaki Sana. She can sing. all my besties can sing. I can either. One day, I told Lisa that I will be leaving. I will moved to Australia. Then, she was so sad until she don't want to talk to me. I told Sana that I want to spend more time with Lisa. But I can't. Because Lisa was sad. So, I just told her to imformed that to Lisa. Then, the last day before I leave Korea, she finally talk to me. She said 'I want to follow you to Australia.' Then, I said that she can't. She gonna miss her family and her family will miss her so much. Then, we just spend time together. The next morning, she want to follow me to the airport. I allowed her but she's going with her family. When I almost get in the plane. She cried so hard. She said that I have to remember her even I have another friend. She gave me a necklace.I never let it go. I always wear it. Jisoo, Jennie and Sana also cried. So.. That's all" She noticed my tears start to fell when I tell them the stories.
Joy patted my back.
" I know it's hard to leave your besties. we here.. So don't be sad. We also your bestie," Joy said.
I smiled and wipe my tears.
" You have to teach us Korean, We want to learn Korean. Who knows, maybe I will marry a cute Korean guy?," Jane said.
"Yeah, right. There's alot of cute guys in Korea," I teased her.
" Oh really? I want one.." She said while looking up.
" Hey. Stop dreaming. Let's go. Recess is almost over," Joy said while pulling Jane's arms.
" Let's go home," Joy said.
I follow her and Jane too.
Jane and I are neighbour. Joy house is a little bit far from my house.
" Now where we have to apart with Joy, bye Joy!" We waved hand to Joy.
" See ya tomorrow" I said to Jane.
" See ya" She smiled and get in her house.
In my house...
I heard my parents is fighting.
" She can't leave Australia! She have to stay! Who will look after her there?!" My dad shouted at my mom.
" Jinhae is there! She can take care of her!! Rosé is a brave girl! I believe at Jinhae! She is my sister!" my mon shouted back.
I cried. My parents never fight this bad.
" Okay! Fine! She'll go back to Korea! Full stop." My dad said and I heard he is going downstairs.
He saw me.
" Rosé," He said while hug me.
" You s-sending me back there? I thought you love me...I want to stay.." I said while bury my face at his chest.
" I know it's hard for you.. But, you have your friends there. You have Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo and more." He patted my head.
" Okay dad.. When I'll be leaving?" I wiped my tears.
" Next week" He said.
I looked at him and smiled. I go to my room.
I lie down on my bed.
It was a tiring day.
" I think I have to get ready to go back to Korea" I looked at my door.
I actually feel really excited to go back to Korea. Although my parents can't come with me, I'm very excited to meet my bestfriends. Jisoo, Jennie, Sana and especially Lisa.. I'll miss mom and dad..Joy, Jane.. My beloved teachers.. and I'll miss Australia.
Someone knock my door.
" Can I come in?" She said.
It was mom..
" Sure.." I said.
She slowly open the door and saw I was lying down on the bed.
" You seem like you are tired.. It's okay.. I'll go.." She want to leave but I hold her hand.
"No, mom.. Stay.. I really need you right now." She stop and sit beside me.
I sit beside her and hug her.
" I'll miss you when I was at Korea. I'll miss Joy and Jane.. I'll miss dad.. and Australia.. Finally, after 7 years, I can meet Lisa and Jennie and Jisoo and everyone in Korea. Lisa must be really excited to meet me. I want to tell her everything about Australia. She will listen to me," I cried.
" I know, sweetheart. It's hard to leave Australia.. But, you will get use to it. Just.. Be a good girl to aunt Jinhae," She carresed my hair.
" Thank you, mom.. I think I forgot how to speak Korean a little bit," I scrath my head.
" It's okay. I'll teach you," She hug me.
She stand up and pull my chair.
She sit infront of me.
" Okay. Hi in Korea is 'annyeonghaseyo'," She said.
" I know that one," I smiled.
" Okay. Thank you is 'gomabseubmida'. My name is Chaeyoung, 'nae ileum-eun chaeyoung-ida'. I miss you,"
She keep teaching me.

I yawned.
" What time is it?" She said then take my clock.
" It's 1000! You better go to sleep Rosé," She want to get out but I hold her hand.
"Mom.. What will I gonna tell teacher?" I said with a worried face.
" It's okay. I've tell them," She carresed my hair.
" Okay. Get out," I said while pushing her slowly.
I close the door.
" Tomorrow is the last day I meet Joy and Jane.. I'm gonna miss them so much!!!! Next week? It's 2 days more. I have to prepare," I said while take my bag out.
I want to fill it with things that I want to bring but I have no enough clothes.
" Uh.. I'll buy more tomorrow with.. Eomma.." I lay down on my bed and sleep.

Some picture of Chaeyoungie...❤️❤️


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Chaeyoung at Malaysia

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Chaeyoung at Malaysia.. In my area!

 In my area!

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