Page 2: Three Victims in Sorrow

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Day two:

I finally got to meet the other guests.
We all gathered in the Entrance Hall, we smiled at one and another,

Except for the man in a buttoned up shirt, a red tie hanging from his neck, black glasses, dark brown shoes and blue tight pants.

The girl with a 'I'm obviously a gardener' look, started to greet us. "Well, since nobody is starting, I shall start first- my name is Emma Woods, I'm a gardener, my goal is to win my prize to improve my skills. I'm 23 years old. Looking forward getting to know you two!" Emma smiled.

My goodness gracious- what an adorable young woman, she looks 19! Has she been taking care of her skin very often? Beautiful, I swear to you. Beautiful.
She will be mine.

"Emma, what a cute name. My name is Kreacher Pierson, I was formerly a Philanthropist that donated to various orphanages and asylums for children, but now that I've wasted money on donations and other stuff- so now I'm a thief. My goal is to build an orphanage for children who lost their parents, I promised to build one for a church that wanted to be replaced. 3-31 is my age." I introduced myself with a warm smile.

"You donate stuff to children with those filthy hands? Noted. My name is Freddy Riley, a lawyer, I'm winning.. for a $1000 prize for my wife. But trust me, I'm more attached to having fun during a match. My wife and I has been living in greed ever since the bills rised up, now that she's gone. I'll be needing to do everything for her. Anyways, my age is 35 but I still look like a young 24 year old man other than Mr. Thief over here." Freddy said, somehow not emotional.

"You had a wife?" I added under my breath, trying not to giggle. "Yes, you pesky little filth." Freddy hissed, folding his arms. "Boys, please. It's our first day here." Emma snapped. "Whatever, miss Sweetie pie." Freddy rolled his eyes, "I believe it is dinner time, yes?" Freddy continued, looking at Emma then to me, repeatedly.

"Yes." Emma smiled as she settled her toolbox on the table next to the dining hall's door. "Right-" I sighed as we all went to th

(The other parts of this page was ripped. Oh well, I guess that's the end of it.)

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