Chapter Two

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Ninety-eight! Ninety-nine! Come on, last one Sariah, and one hundred." Sargent Matthews said with a clap and a sexy grin.

"I don't know why you're smiling, Hitman," I scowled back at him, "you aren't funny. Making me do one hundred pushups instead of fifty."

"First of all," he said, stepping closer to me, "I don't know why you keep calling me Hitman like you know me. And second of all, you should know me better than that. I always make you push yourself. Your father wants you to be strong and able to protect yourself. He put me in charge of getting you to that point and I can't disappoint him."

"You just contradicted yourself there, saying I don't know you but then I should know you better than that," I mocked, "but you're right, I need to be ready for...anything, I guess, but four hours a day is a little excessive. Oh and I know you well enough to know what you really do for my family, Hitman." I emphasized the nickname I made up for him again, just to annoy him.

"Well Sariah, for someone who has only seen me in passing for the past few years, you sure seem to have me all figured out," He smiled that sexy smile again and I had to turn away because I could feel my cheeks get hot.

I have grown so fond of him saying my name. It sounded beautiful rolling off of his full lips. He was talking but I zoned out. I watched his lips move and then my eyes wandered to his toned chest that was only covered by a black tank top. His smooth caramel skin peeked out and I wished I could see more.

"Sariah! Are you even listening to me?" He demanded in his deep voice.

I snapped out of it as my eyes lazily wandered back up to his face. He was smirking again with a knowing look.

"Sorry," I said with a smile, "I must be delirious after this session today."

He smiled at me which showed off his perfectly white teeth and said, "Alright well rest up, tomorrow we are going to start shooting practice and I need you here with a clear head."

Yup. You heard him right. Shooting practice. Little old me was now being trained as if I was in mercenary school. Ever since that fateful day two weeks ago, Daddy had me on a strict diet, and when I was not training with Sargent, I was learning the ins and outs of the business with Aidan and R.J. A girl was tired. I had no time for anything else. So much for a fun summer. I thought as I took a swig from my water bottle.

"Can't wait," I said with an overly animated smile.

Don't get me wrong, I was excited to learn more about my brothers and Daddy's world but this was not how I envisioned my summer. I haven't seen Daddy since the day he dropped this bomb on me and I was still slightly angry with my brothers for not telling me about this sooner, so when I did see them, I refuse to speak unless I had to.

I had barely seen Destynee and it isn't necessarily because I had been so busy, because even though that was the case, I had been confined to the house. I had noticed that she was barely home anymore. Sargent was the only person I had really communicated with so far this summer. I will say, he was a nice distraction though. I looked forward to seeing him every day.

I had seen Sargent in passing a few times over the past few years and I had always knew him as someone who worked for Daddy. Now, I knew what he really did for Daddy but instead of being afraid of him, it enticed me. I was like the moth, and he was the flame. It didn't matter how bad he could burn me, I gravitated towards him because all I saw was beauty. My first few days with him were a bit awkward because he didn't talk much. Later, I realized he was just observing. That's what he does, he scopes a situation out first and then he reacts. Once I got him to open up a bit more, we really hit it off. He was very smart, charming, and funny. Above all else, he was whipping my body into shape. I now knew how to disarm someone if they had a weapon and I knew all of the fatal pressure points on the body and how to activate them. I was turning into one badass girl.

Sargent must have noticed that I zoned out into my own world again because when I finally looked over at him he was looking at me with his coal black eyes.

"Creepy much?" I teased and I walked up the stairs so I could go to my room and shower.

"Ha ha," he mocked, "No, I was just admiring the pretty lady in front of me, is all."

I blushed and said, "Thank you," as he walked behind me. We made it into the kitchen and I turned towards him.

"Well...until tomorrow then?" I asked and I had to tip my head all the way back to look up into his eyes.

"I have to holler at Aidan really quick and then I'm out," he said, "but I'm taking you to dinner tonight."

I blinked up at him in fake irritation but on the inside, I was elated. I had been waiting for him to ask me out.

"Says who?"

"Says me. Be ready at seven," he said and walked towards Daddy's office, where Aidan was, before I could get another word in.

What a cocky jerk. I thought as I shook my head and smiled to myself. I walked up to the third floor of the house where all the bedrooms were. Destynee and I shared a wing on one side of the house. Aidan and R.J's wing was next to ours but since they had left Des and I just used it for more closet space. Daddy and Symonne have the biggest wing on the far end of the house. I padded across the floor to my room and private bath when something caught my attention from the corner of my eye. I could have sworn it was Destynee but I couldn't be sure because whoever it was moved fast.

"Des?" I called out but there was no response.

I went to her room and knocked but nobody answered. I shrugged my shoulders and chalked it up to it being one of the housekeepers. I finally made it to my room and peeled off all of my clothing and threw them in the hamper in my closet. I grabbed a pink fluffy towel and walked into my humungous walk-in bathroom. I grabbed my shampoo and conditioner and stepped in the shower to wash up.

About an hour passed and I was finally done drying my hair. I had just gotten done putting on my Victoria's Secret PINK sweater and yoga pants so I could go to my lessons with my brothers when I heard a commotion downstairs. I hurried out of my room and down the steps. When I got into the living room I saw that Destynee was sitting on the couch next to Symonne rubbing her back. Symonne had her head in her hands and she was wailing as if someone had stolen her favorite jewels or something. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away when I spotted Aidan and R.J walking in the room with Sargent on their heels.

"You bitch! What did you do?" Aidan yelled as he lunged at Symonne. I jumped back stunned.

Symonne seemed to not even hear him because she just kept crying her eyes out. Sargent held him back and R.J harshly spoke into his phone. Something about a clean-up crew.

"Uhm...what's going on?" I asked since everyone seemed to know something I didn't.

Destynee looked at me with tear-filled eyes and said, "Someone stabbed Daddy in the neck! My mom just found him in their room. He's dead Sariah!"

I stopped breathing and the world tilted. I didn't remember anything after that because everything faded to black.

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