Chapter 3

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"Raliene?" I heard her moving and the sound of her handcuffs jiggling .

I fully turned around and looked at her.Her green eyes look faded and her skin color was back to pale , and the freckles still dotted her face .

A police guard held her back,he gave me a look as if to say 'can you deal with this?'

I looked at my mother tears ran down her white painted face she looked old as every too the bags under her eyes were bigger she also looked super thin.

I looked back down at this papers attached to clipboard then looked up , everyone was looking they stopped what they were doing and stared .


3 hours later my mom was sitting in my car starring at me , we sat in my car that was still parked at The Facility .

She looked over at me.

"You've grown up so much ."

My hands clutched the wheel a little too tight .

"Thanks." I say through gritted teeth .

"What are we gonna do?" she says pleading me with her tired eyes.

I picked up my phone and dialed my dad.

He picked up right away,"Rachel? Are you okay ? Don't tell me she hurt you? Do you need me to call someone to get you ?"

"N-no D-Dad I'm fine . B-But mom she's she's umm ....."

"Rachel?Spit it out honey ."

"Moms out on good behavior."

For awhile their was silence .

"Well when do we have to pick her up ?"

I took a deep breath.

She then spoke up .


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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