our characters !

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( male. he/him. gay. 17)
background: he grew up in a bad neighborhood, it was full of crime and poverty. He was raised in a household that consisted of a junkie mother and an abusive, alcoholic father. He grew up with almost no money and wore hand-me-downs from his brother. He was put into the care of his grandparents when his neighbor found out about a bounty that had been placed on him by a dealer because his mother had debt to pay, he was only 14 when that had happened and he is still in constant fear, but since his mother has paid that debt, the bounty has been lifted.
His father, however, was what most people thought to be the light in this poor boys life, but he only made matters worse, beating Ian when he was to drunk or to sober, never filling the role of caring father.
personality: Ian has always been a nervous guy, and after everything with his family his anxiety only got worse. He cares deeply got his grandparents and his brother, despite not seeing him much. Hes kind of a doormat and will let everyone walk all over him whenever they'd like. On top of all that he's a bit negative, never seeing the good in things or people.
fears: spiders, girl scouts, his mother, being bountied again, his father
issues: he's got PTSD from his past homelife, serious social and general anxiety, and paranoia
habits: he bites/picks his nails, he pulls his hair, he taps his fingers, and he chews his lips.


(  female. she/her. straight. 18. )
background: her biological parents didn't want her. her dad slept around and her mom drank her problems away. they both abused her physically and mentally. after a few years, they eventually abandoned her, telling her they were going to the store, but instead leaving her all alone for a few days, then a week. a neighbor eventually found her and put her into the foster system. she was adopted in a few months by two women who love her and she loves.
personality: she's usually very sweet, sometimes too sweet to people who don't deserve it and use it to use her. after she gets closer to people, she shows her sassy, sarcastic side. she's defensive and protective of her loved ones. she's very shy. funny, sarcastic, loving, caring, trustworthy, loyal, smart, clever, insecure. she only wants the best for others.
fears: bad spider phobia. she just absolutely despises them. she's terrified of bugs, and hates hospitals because of bad memories. she hates speaking in public and being embarrassment.
issues: very insecure, eating disorder problems, anxious.
habits: finger tapping, lip biting, leg shaking, pacing

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