The Fateful Day

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It isn't uncommon for fifth grade students to choose the instrument that they will play in the school band or orchestra. For me, it was a slightly different story.

Hi, my name is Jupiter and I play bass clarinet. For those who don't know what that is, it is a lower pitched clarinet that looks more like a saxophone. I chose bass clarinet on that fateful day in fifth grade. I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was 7 years ago.

We were all being ushered into the school cafeteria where different musicians and workers were sitting at tables with instruments laid across them. As soon as I walked into the room, the large black instrument covered with silver keys caught my attention. When it was my turn to try out two different instruments, naturally, I chose bass clarinet. It felt so right in my hands.

The woman working the station handed me a reed and told me to put it in my mouth so that I could try playing. For being a fifth grader, I wasn't that bad, although the reed tasted awful.

But anyway, back to the story. Later that day was the time to buy or rent the instrument of your choice. I begged my parents for the bass clarinet as we waited in the long line.

Finally we made our way to the front of the line in order to purchase and take home. The case was huge compared to my short self, and it still is.

I was ecstatic. That was where it all started.

Now, my bass clarinet is the reason I am alive, quite literally. We are soul tied. My well being is directly impacted by the state of my instrument. Unfortunately, bass clarinet breaks very easily, so you can only imagine my mental state. If one of the keys is out of place, something will be off with me until it is fixed.

This doesn't exactly sound ideal, I know, but if the instrument is kept in impeccable condition, I will stay there as well.

Many people say that music is there life, but they clearly haven't met me. As far as anyone knows, I just love music, but they don't realize I would quite literally be nothing without it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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