Chapter 1: An Avengers Party

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"Who so ever, if he be worthy shall have, whatever man, it's a trick!" Clint said as he sat on the back of the couch. 

"It's much more than that my friend." Thor answered, his deep voice bellowing through the room.

"It's a circus side show, and that is it and you know it." Clint argued back, sipping his beer.

I laughed at both of them bickering about Thor's hammer as Steve put his arm around my shoulder, gently placing a kiss on the side of my head.

The Avengers were having a party, but it wasn't just us. Fury, Bucky, James and Sam were also here. After the whole Garrett situation, Phil left with his team after a few days, along with Maria who joined them.

All of us lived here together now, as one big family.

"If I lift it, do I get to rule Asgard?" Tony asked, walking over to the coffee table it was resting on.

"Yes, of course." Thor replied, a smirk on his face.

"I will be firm but fair, maybe work out the 'Wench Clause'." I chuckled at Tony as he put his hand on the handle.

He grunted, clearing his throat a few times as if expecting it to suddenly move, but after several tries he couldn't do it. "Come on Rhodey." He called James up and both of them attached their metal arms, pulling with all their might but they still couldn't move the thing.

"Pull Rhodey come on!" Tony shouted.

"I'm trying I can't!" He yelled back.

Steve was laughing as they started sweating from trying so hard, until they eventually gave up. 

"Leave this to me." Clint said, strolling to it as he wrapped both hands around it. He leaned back so that all his weight was behind him in an attempt to pull it up, but it didn't work either. After a few minutes of staying like that, Clint threw his arms in the air, laughing as he sat back down. 

"Doctor." Thor suggested.

Bruce walked up to it, putting on his glasses which made me laugh. He really exerted himself as he tried, his muscles popping as he heaved, but to no avail. Mockingly, he started pounding his chest as if in Hulk rage, making everyone look at him, except myself who just chuckled.

"Come on Cap." Clint jeered, making Steve get up. 

I started cheering as he placed his hands around it, making him wink at me before turning his attention to it. 

I almost dropped my glass.

The hammer wasn't lifting off the table, but it was definitely moving. Sam and Bucky started clapping and cheering along with me as Thor's face dropped, showing signs of worry. 

"I can't lift it." Steve said, defeated as he sat back down.

"You bloody moved it!" I retaliated, slapping his thigh, making him chuckle. My gaze turned to Natasha, who looked right back at me shaking her head.

"That's not a question I need answering." Sympathy swept over me as she looked down, avoiding all of our looks.

"You've got bio metrics on that thing." Maria said, leaning back on the sofa as Nick just rolled his eyes.

"Exactly." Tony supported. "Who ever carries Thor's fingerprint that's the literal translation. It's coded to you and only you, that's how it works." I rolled my eyes, setting my drink down on the table. 

"Personally, I don't think the hammer's heavy." Everyone looked at me, slightly confused, but Thor and Steve looked interested. "Think about it. When you put it on the floor, it doesn't sink through it, and it's not crashing through the table is it? It's simply resting on it." Tony nodded.

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