Instagram #16

231 4 6

(Total drama island cast +topher, and 4 others)

Lindsay😇: Hay guyes

Duncan🔪🔫: Do you even know how to spell guys

Lindsay😇: Yeah. It's spelled G-U-Y-E-S

Bailey💖: This bitch right here slow

Cici💙🔫: Exactly. Lidsay may be slow but she has the best pictures

Trent🎸: So what's the tea


Alejandro🐯🐣: Who da baby daddy

Topher: yeah cici who is it

Queen Heather👑: Whore

Justin💄: Slutty ass hoe

Izzy: Fucking Cunt

Duncan🔪🔫: Guys chill. But for real though who's the baby daddy is

Derra💜🔪: We got pregnant at the same time though. So it took you 2 months to figure out you're pregnant

Jaela👑😄: Congratulations girls is it a boy or a girl

Derra💜🔪: I have Twin boy and girl and a girl

Cici💙🔫: You have 3 kids

Bailey💖: Why we talking bout this

Lindsay😇: Beacaus we ned two discuse thes things balie

Jaela👑😄: Get this slow motherfucker out this chat

Justin💄: For real and the slutty whore

Cici💙🔫: Who the hell you talking to

Queen Heather👑: You cunt ass hoe

Bailey💖: I know not

Lindsay😇: What's wrong balie

Derra💜🔪: Lindsay shut the hell up cause you know damn well what happened

Duncan🔪🔫: She can't spell for shit

Tyler😎: That one person that just can't spell even the simplest of words

Lindsay😇: Is oonee spelles o-o-n-e-e

Bridgette: Lindsay just shut the hell up

Beth🐝: hell is a bad word

Owen: oh yeah it is a bad word

Noah: It's not a bad word it-

Cody: It just depends on how you use it


Bailey💖: Discombobulated churn and dumb ass churn. That's it I'm done

Topher: Cici still aint tell us who the baby daddy is

Lindsay😇: Whats a babi dadi

Geoff: Just shut up if you can't spell

Cici💙🔫: The baby daddy is.....

Trent🎸: Me

Cici💙🔫: No its Topher. I was cheating on you. I never liked you in the first place

Leshawna: Damn

Gwen👑💍: That's just cold

Courtney: Who is baily and Jayla

Jaela👑😄: Oh Hell No

Bailey💖: Not this shit again

A/N: Pretty good two times in a row lets see of i can make it 3 timea in a row. Bai sisters

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