Kingdom of Elleore // Leo Møller

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Micronation Name: Kingdom of Elleore
Human name: Leo  Møller
Sexuality: Bi
Birthday: N/A
Carer country: Denmark
Description: Leo has Icey blond hair, purple-ish blue eyes, and is fairly tall, he has a gap in his two front teeth and one of them is chipped, another tooth he has, completely missing, probably from falling while trying to impress Elias. He usually wears a lot of emo-looking clothes, as Elias is dragging him through the emo phase with him, though Leo is probably just trying to impress Elias (precious page is Elias's page).
Personality: he's bubbly, friendly, but he's also very smart, unlike his carer country, Denmark. He is going through a sort of 'emo' phase that Elias is dragging him into, well mostly Leo trying to impress Elias. He's very social, and will talk to pretty much anybody, but gets a bit nervous around Elias as he gets nervous that he'll mess up and Elias will think he's stupid. He cares a lot about what people think of him, but will act like an idiot in front of his friends to make them laugh, especially Elias.
Relationships: He has a good relationship with his father figure (denmark) and his mother figure (Finland) and is friends with a lot of other nations and micronations, and will easily become friends with anyone you put him with, but he is especially close with Elias. He has a huge crush on Elias and try's to express it, but gets really anxious about it and chickens out. He tried to get close with Elias but they always end up getting further apart, but they still try. He is thought to develop Hanahaki Disease
Any disorders/diseases: Leo is thought to later develop/already have developed hanahaki disease, as Elias doesn't seem to reciprocate the feelings Leo has for him. Though Leo is just being a tsundere, he probably would reveal his feelings for Leo if he knew about the hanahaki, but he doesn't as Leo is very good at hiding it. He can be very serious at times, like while dealing with the disease so that's why he's good at hiding it.
Random facts!: Elleore inherits a lot of his features from Denmark, but he does have a little of Finland's eye color and hair color (and love for Christmas;) ). He can be very serious at times when need be, and is actually surprisingly weak for being Denmark's Micronation. He has good baking and drawing skills though, and acts very gay despite being Bisexual. He is very sweet and kind, and has a hard time accepting compliments. The hanahaki disease has given him some self esteem issues, but tried not to show.
SHIP SONG: Alex and Sierra bumper cars

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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