Chapter 5

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(Casey's POV)

When I returned to the living room with Grayson, the boys where already watching toy story 2. They all looked up at us and Harry smiled at me then started starring at me. I blushed and looked up at something that was beckoning for attention. A dark gray cloud was being omitted from above the kitchen door. My face flooded with fear as I dropped Grayson hand, running like wind, dodging tables and furniture. I heard loud foot steps behind me as I reached the kitchen entrance. Smoke was flooding out from the microwave and the room was filled with the gray poison. I pulled my shirt up to my mouth, blocking a small amount of smoke.  I heard Grayson crying And yelling from the living room as I felt a warm hand quickly but gently grab onto my waist.

"Get you brother and yourself out! The boys and I will take care of this, " I heard a muffled, deep voice order from behind me. I nodded my head went out of the kitchen to a sobbing, frantic Grayson's aid. I swiftly grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the house to the back yard. He continued to run after i stopped, but I let him go, knowing where he was going. I turned back to face the house and saw someone had opened the kitchen windows to air it out. I brushed through the top of my hair and heard a loud slam. I faced the drive way and saw my mom worriedly jogging towards the front door. I yelled for her and ran to unlock the back yard fence.

"Casey!" she yelled as she sprinted over to me best she could in her tan heels. She reached over the fence for me and grabbed my face, inspecting it.

"Oh my god Casey what happened!? The neighbors called me and said they saw five boys go into the house, th-then they said they saw smoke in our kitchen!" I put my hands on hers and spoke the best i could with her squeezing my cheeks together.

"I had some friends over and I left the popcorn in too long while I tended to Grayson..." her face hardened from 'frantic/worried sick mom' to 'mad/angry/strict mom' , "WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING!" she yelled.

 I opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off and continued telling me every little thing I did wrong and asked me why I did what I did without letting me answer. While I braved through the last of her lecture Harry walked out of the back door and put a trash bag that smelled like burnt popcorn in the trash. He shyly waved to us both and smiled a bit to my mom. She showed no facial expression towards Harry until she just lashed out. Harry and my mom where in the middle of the yard when Niall and Louis poked their heads out of the back door. I frantically waved them back in and quickly shut the door.

(Harry's POV) I quickly opened the microwave door but my hand flung back, stung from the heat. I coughed and waved the smoke out as Zayn and Liam came in, coughing as well and quickly went to the two kitchen windows to open them. The smoke alarms began screeching like newborns so Louis and I ran around the house, disarming the alarms as the rest of the boys aired the kitchen out. We went back into the kitchen where Niall was sadly pouring burnt popcorn into the trash and taking it out of the can. I took it from him.

"I've got it, I gotta talk to Casey outside," he nodded understandingly and coughed again. I firmed my grip on the bag and headed out the back door where I saw Casey and a woman I suspected to be her mom, fighting. I put the trash bag into the trash bin outside and waved a bit to them both, smiling to her mom trying to lighten the mood. Instead she stared at me then starting lecturing me too. I stood in front of her, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck, toughing through it. After a few minutes I heard the back door abruptly slam shut. Both of our heads jolted towards the door to see Casey pushed up against the back door, seeming to be shielding something.

"What was that!?" her mom who was in the middle of explaining how irresponsible this was asked with a ting of anger in her voice.

"Haha, no one, psht," she replied nervously. Her moms eyes became narrow and she stormed inside. Casey and I both followed her inside and hustled close behind. When we entered the living room we saw four boys silently trying to exit the front door.

(Casey's POV) I froze and looked at my mom. Her hands were on her hips staring at them,"Boys... th-this my mom. Mom... these are my..." I bit the inside of my cheek, "Friends," I gestured to them.

"Hellloooo," they all said nervously, waving awkwardly. I gulped and squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the worst, but all I heard was a gasp.

"Th-these are those boys you have plastered all over your walls! Casey Charolet Stapeling!" she yelled in awe.

"Mom!" I said through gritted teeth. I went over to her and grabbed her arm, starring at her sternly, making the 'shut up now!' look.

"Sorry! Sorry, sorry..." I groaned and immediately felt a heavy awkwardness fall around all of us.

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