The battered and bruised

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... (a/n hello my readers! Ok, so, 99 reads?! Almost one 100! And on my a future with you, 299! And on my can't be love, 101! I am so happy! Any way, another Percy's POV, but it may switch in the middle of the chapter. Now, this will take place a week later, so Lukabeth has been official for nine days. Percy really likes Annabeth and cares about her, I know, I didn't put alot of Percabeth friendship in here, but they where best friends, they hung out all the time and had some real good times together. So, to clear stuff up, Percy really likes Annabeth and is jellouse of Luke, Annabeth likes Percy, but she thought he didn't like her back, so when Luke showed interest in her, she decided he was nice enough so she should give him a chance. I'm not sure how to put this in, so I'm gonna tell you now, I will put it in somehow, so if you want yo wait, skip this little part.

Annabeth got with Luke cause he likes her and was nice to her. Luke was really sweet untill they started dating, he abuses her if she doesn't give him what he wants, and is rude and treats her like dirt. But Annabeth is to scared of him to break up with him. All the scars and bruises she has are from Luke, but she doesn't want to start anything so she covers them up. Ok, that is the status.

Ok, those of you who didn't read that, you can read again! Any way, time to start.

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HOO


Percy's POV

It had been a week, and Annabeth just got more and more unstable. The bruises got worse and the crying got more frequent. When she looked at Luke, there was no love, just hate and fear. Why though, he seemed to treat her fine.

I still hadn't the slightest idea how she got the scars, with how unstable she was lately, I half wondered if she gave them to herself.

The bell wrings and signals the end of school. Everyone pours out, and I almost loose sight of her. Yes, I've become that desperate for answers, I was following Annabeth.

I followed her to Luke's apartment and watched through the window as she walked inside.

She sat down on the couch with him, but still far away.

They sat there for a few minutes untill Luke asked Annabeth something I couldn't make out.

I herd Annabeth reply, "Luke, please, I can't, You know I'm not ......" I couldn't hear the rest.

"Come on babe" Luke said.

Annabeth bot her lip like she always does when she is nervous. "Luke, no. Please."

Anger flashed across his face.

Annabeth looked terrified. "Please Luke! I'm-" She said before he brought his hand across her face.

A tear trickled down her cheek.

It took all my will power not to storm in there right then.

"Luke please." she said, tears bow flowing freely.

He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the middle of the room.

Her face painted with fear.

Her dropped her to the ground and kicked at her ribs.

She wailed in pain and curled into a ball.

He threw a vase at her, it shattered cutting her skin.

He picked her up by the hair again and threw her into the counter. Her head smashed against the sides and she crumpled.

Luke stormed out of his apartment and I hid.

The run away (a Percabeth story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now