Almost Human

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"And that's the disorienting, slightly painful, stalker zeta beam that destroys any attempts at sneaking in here unnoticed. I call her B – well, actually, never mind."

Barbara cracked a smile as she shook off the slightly nauseous feeling of just having had her molecules disassembled and reassembled. The cave was… impressive, to say the least. While it definitely looked like a cave, Barbara could see the state-of-the-art technology floating around the place, hidden among the crevices in the stone walls and the polished stone of the floor. Sure, she was probably somewhat biased seeing as she'd been waiting to see the place for a while now, but it was cool.

"This is generally where we either kick butts or get our butts kicked, depending on who we are." Artemis motioned to the expansive cavern before them. "It's also where Batman shows us stuff on screens and tells us what not to do, where we are introduced to new people, where all the arguments takes place and by the couches is where Supey watches static. So, basically this is where the majority of everything happens."

Barbara nodded, a little confused but already having learned to just take Artemis in stride. The archer proceeded to lead her through the halls of the mountain/cave place, showing her the 'food room', the 'brooding room', the 'room with the giant Atlantean toilet' (Barbara didn't even want to know about that one), the 'room with all the washing machines', the 'place where the flying morph ship lives', and the 'barracks'. Barbara smiled and nodded, taking in the sights with awe. No wonder Dick loved it here.

"And these are the vents, very handy if you're ever hiding from giant red robots."

"Huh?" Barbara snapped her head around from admiring the pool to the blonde archer at her side.

"Long story, never mind."

Confused, Barbara followed Artemis back out into the main room. It was empty, still, and, after seeing absolutely no signs of life except the mold growing on the cheese, Barbara was beginning to wonder if there even was a team of sidekicks. Or at least if they ever came to the mountain, their supposed 'headquarters'. That would explain the moldy cheese at least.

"Hey, Artemis, where is everybody?" Barbara finally asked, watching as Artemis collapsed on one of the couches in the corner by the TV.

"Umm, good question," Artemis replied, kicking her feet up on the table. "I guess Kaldur's probably in Atlantis again, M'gann and Supey are probably making out on the beach or something, Zatanna's probably… out with friends? I dunno, honestly, I don't even know what that girl does. You know any of them?"

"No." Barbara sat down in the armchair to Artemis's right. "I live in Gotham, remember? Just started the whole capes and tights gig."

"Hmm, yeah, I guess they are all pretty reclusive," Artemis agreed.

Barbara decided not to say anything to that. "Oh, hey, I thought Wally was on this team? Or did he follow in Speedy's footsteps?"

"You do know our history," Artemis smirked. "Yeah, no, he's still around. Wouldn't make it long on his own. I think he's actually visiting Di – Robin right now."

"Hmm…." Barbara reached behind her sunglasses and rubbed her eyes, her visit with Dick a few days previous still plaguing her thoughts.

"You saw him on Sunday or something, right?"

"Yeah." Barbara didn't even look up.

"How is he? Last I saw him, well… it was rough."

Barbara shrugged. Honestly, the last thing she wanted to think about was Dick but it seemed that recently, it was the only thing she could think about. Seeing his will so… nonexistent was hard. Realizing he didn't care, didn't want to get better. Was the only thing in his life Robin? No, Barbara had to remind herself that Dick had been things before Robin and that those things too were being taken away. It wasn't just his ability to dress up as a superhero and kick muggers butts that was now gone, it was his whole life, everything he'd ever known. But the defeat in his eyes….

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