Chapter 6 - Lattes and the Other Fam Bam

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"Meet me at Starbucks in ten??????" I waited for a reply, anxiously biting my nails. Ding!

"Yeah :)"

How do I tell her I know she's dating Aiden, why did she say she was dating Scott? I actually thought it was true. Scott talks about how Matt and I would look cute together. Talk about Scott and Alex!

Climbing into my car, a white Mercedes-Benz, I turned the ignition and made my way towards Starbucks. I could so go for a latte right now.

When I pulled into a parking spot, it just so happened I pulled in right next to Alex.

"Hey," she chimed getting out of her little red bug.

"Hi," I said with a fake smile, did she notice that?

"What's wrong?" Crap.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Lauren Olivia Michaels, tell me what's wrong," she said sighing.

"It's nothing," I assured her.

"Just tell me!" She exclaimed. Uh oh, she was starting to get frustrated.

"I know you're dating Aiden!" I spilled and immediately covered my mouth in shock.

"How'd you find out," she said looking at her feet.

"Well I'm sort of best friends with his brother," I said. "Why did you lie?"

"Because I just thought it would be weird if we were dating brothers, I felt like you would think I was only doing it so I could be more like you or trying to take your place, I don't know. It was really stupid, and I'm really sorry," she said sincerely.

"I forgive you," I replied. "But wait, why did you get mad when I was kissing Matt, and tell the truth."

"Because I just don't want you to get hurt, I know how Matt can be," she replied sighing.

"I know. I worry about it too," I said.

"Well let's get some drinks and we can hang out. But first, bestie hug!" She exclaimed and we embraced into a hug and laughed.



"Hi sweetheart," my mom said pulling me into a hug as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hi," I said with a smile. "Hi Daniel."

"Lauren," he said with a small smile.

I frowned softly. It's not like I don't like Daniel, he's great and seems to make my mom happy, but I always get the feeling that he doesn't like me and wished that my mom did move to Florida with him. It's kind of the reason why I don't like staying over here that much.

"Lauren!" Jenna screamed running towards me.

"Hey," I beamed.

Jenna is my half-sister, she's three. Collin is my half-brother, only twelve months.

"Can we talk mom?" I asked slightly biting my lip.

"Of course," she said and walked ahead of me to the living room. "What's going on?"

"You remember Matt right?" I questioned.

"Yes! You two are inseparable!" She exclaimed.

"Well we've been hanging out as in more than friends but he hasn't asked me out, but I think we're like a couple, but I don't know," I said completely confused. I probably confused my mom even more.

"Have you two kissed or other things?" She asked. Ew.

"We've kissed but that's it," I said embarrassed.

"Was it eh or amazing?" She asked. Okay, this is getting weird...

"Amazing," I mumbled.

"Then I think you should continue going out with him," she said simply.

"Seriously?" She nodded.

I guess it is a little weird talking to my mom about these things, not because we aren't close, because I'm really close to my mom, it's just I'm a lot closer to my step-mom. Does that make me a bad person?

After thinking long and hard about it, I decided to listen to my mom's advice. I'll still go out with Matt. I just hope it's not a mistake...

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