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{trigger warning)

Ryan's P.O.V

I looked from Charlie to Tegan as Tegan opened her eyes to show the bright, icy blue eyes. Charlie smiled widely. I've known this kid for only a few hours but her and Charlie are the best things that have ever happened to me.

There was a knock at the door and a nurse came in with a drip. She inserted the needle into the back of Charlies hand and started the drip. Apparently it was to get the iron in Charlies blood back to normal. Tegan fell asleep not too long later, so I took her off Charlie and put her in the little cot by Charlie's bedside. Charlie moved over on the bed and patted the space beside her.  

I sat down beside her, and slipped my arm around her waist. Charlies smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I asked her, still in shock that I'm a father now. Charlie nodded. "Y-Yep, you?" She replied.

I noticed her voice crack, giving me an indication that she was crying. "Awe, Charles come here." I said, turning her slightly and hugging her tightly. "It's all over now, darling. I know you're probably just tired and in pain at the minute but the hard part is all over!" I said, kissing the top of her head. Charlie nodded and buried her head in my chest. I kept my arms around her and there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Charlie called and the door opened, Chris running in. "WHERE'S BY LIL BIRTHDAY PRESENT?!" He whisper shouted. I let go of Charlie who smiled and took Tegan out of her cot, handing her to Chris.

Chris's eyes watered and he sat on the chair by the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Chris?? Are you okay??" She asked.

"Y-Yep.. I'm wearing eyeliner and trying not to cry, if I look at the ceiling, it won't run." He said. Charlie laughed. "That's not how science works, Chrissy." She said. Chris looked at her, eyeliner running down his face. "I wish it did work like that." He sighed, cradling Tegan in his arms.

End If P.O.V

There was another knock on the door and seven people walked in this time.

Mr & Mrs. Olson
Mr & Mrs. Sitkowski
and Aspen.

Charlie looked up and her face lit up. "Mom, Dad!" She gasped quietly and opened her arms for a hug. Her parents walked over hugged her tightly. They hugged Ryan when his parents had finished hugging him and Ryans parents hugged Charlie.

Charlie's bandmates ran over and hugged her and Ryan tightly, congratulating the two newly named parents on their new daughter.

Chris gave Ryan's mom Tegan first. "Oh guy's! She's so beautiful! I can't believe I have a granddaughter!!" She gushed. "We still can't believe we have a daughter, never mind you having a granddaughter, mom!" Ryan said with a small smile as he wrapped his arm around Charlie once more. "I got me a niece." Chris said with a smile. Charlie laughed. "You sure do, Chrissy." She replied as she rested her head on Ryan's shoulder.

"Oh, her eyes!" Mr. Sitkowksi gasped in shock. "Gorgeous, aren't they?" Ryan said, with the biggest smile ever, and looked down at Charlie who was still smiling.

"Charles.. I need to tell you something.." Noah piped up. Charlie looked up at her good friend and the frontman of Hell Raisers. "Yeah, what's up, Noah?" She asked with a smile.

Noah sighed and his eyes watered. "M-.. Maybe now's not the time, I-."

"Noah? Tell me!" Charlie giggled.

Noah took a deep breath.

"I h-have cancer."

Charlie went pale. Jayden took Noah's hand in his and squeezed it tightly. "W-What??" Charlie stuttered. Ryan's jaw was hanging open in shock. Charlie was now sat bolt up right. "N-Noah.. you're kidding man, no. When did you fond out??" She asked, panicked. Noah sat on the bed beside Charlie and hugged her tightly. "Last week. But, I knew you were due to have Tegan this week so I didn't wanna stress you out even more."

Charlie started crying once more for that night. "Charlie, Noah's gonna be fine!" Jayden said, his voice cracking. "We promise." Aspen agreed and Ryan and Charlie's parents stood up. Ms. Olson whispered something to Ryan and the four of them walked out. "I'm gonna call Gaia." Chris said after taking Tegan from Mr. Sitkowski and putting her in her cot, walking out and shutting the door behind him.

"W-Where?" Charlie asked, exasperated. Noah took a deep breath and sighed. "My lungs. I can't tour for another few years." He explained. Aspen and Jayden stood up and the four Hell Raisers members done a group hug. "W-What?! Who's gonna sing, what's gonna happen?! We can't split up now, Death Day just came out who's gonna sing at Slane Castle wha-."

Charlie's eyes went wide and she clapped her hand over her mouth. Jayden and Aspens jaws dropped like doors off of hinges in shock. Noah smiled.

"Slane fucking castle?!!" Aspen asked.
"Charles, your kidding!!" Jayden added.

Charlie shook her head.

"Okay, when Motionless In White were recording Infamous, Lord Henry of Slane Castle, called me himself and told me that we were one of the bands that he was thinking of having play at Slane Castle next year. He said the other contenders would be the Foo Fighters, Machine Gun Kelly, Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, and Metallica.. maybe even Bon Jovi for a second time. I'm expecting a call from him this week with all the details." Charlie explained to her friends.

Ryan's jaw had hit the floor and didn't look like it was gonna come back up any time soon.

Noah was smiling like crazy.

"Charles, I can't tour no matter what.. and anyways, my chemotherapy starts soon.. but I have an idea.. and you guys are not splitting up." Noah said

"What's your idea?" Charlie asked frantically.

"You sing for Hell Raisers."

Eternally Yours  ~ Ryan Sitkowski MIWWhere stories live. Discover now