Just What the Doctor Ordered

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"WHAT?!" the female screamed as the doctor looked at her. "YOU'RE LYING! I KNOW YOU ARE!" The doctor shook his head sadly, his expression full of grief. 

"I'm afraid, ma'am, that it's true. There's nothing we can do. It will keep growing. And, eventually, it will destroy him. That is..." the doctor said, a thoughtful looks now gracing his features.

"What? Can anything be done?" the woman asked, frantic to find a way to save her only son.

"Well, if we just..." the doctor turned to his computer and typed in a few phrases. "I've got it. We can save him, ma'am, but we need your help."

"I'll do anything, ANYTHING, to help him. Just tell me."

The doctor gave the woman the plan and she read it, her mouth set in a grim line.

"I'll do it. I'll save my son. No matter what."


"Um... Jake?" she said, opening his door slightly.

"What, Mom?" the boy said back, annoyed that his mother was making him look away from his game. As she stared at Jake, she started to sweat, wondering if she could do this. 

"I need a favor, okay? Come here." she commanded as she tried to keep her voice steady. Jake picked up his game and walked over to his mother still playing it. She looked at the console in disgust. "Put that down."


"What do you mean, no?!"

"I'm not putting it down. It's mine."

With a look of shock on her face, the woman ripped the console out of his hand and threw it on his bed before dragging her son towards the door.


The boy's cries trailed of as he looked at the sky in front of him. His mother had dragged him outside, into nature.

"It... It's beautiful..." Jake said in a voice full of wonder. He quickly glanced at the area, thought for a minute, and ran off to play in a stream.

'A little fresh air,' Gloria, his mother, thought as she smiled. 'Just what the doctor ordered.'

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