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My name is ravyn axenberg my name was given to me by gene Simmons. I was born 3/7/2002/ I'm seventeen years old I was adopted by Gene Simmons now I'm happy with person that I can trust and I'm with some who loves me and I love them and I'm not talking about Simmons. I'm talk about the love of my life Paul Stanley. But it wasn't always like this it wasn't all happy and smiles,or being able to live out my dream of becoming a dancer / singer
(Almost five years ago)
I lay quitely in then grass by the river side it was a warm July day. I was hanging out with my friends but what I didn't know is by then end of that summer night I would be used for a satanic ritual. Meaning I would be sacrificed and I would lose my soul. It was staring to get dark the next I know was something shot in to my back and I blacked  out. I woke and was in the middle of a pentgram. I knew the pentgram. Was drawn from blood.   I woke up a little more. Then I heard chanting monents later I felt.  Unbearable pain it well like I was being stab with multiple knife I felt my body was being dismembered while I was still alive . later I woke up and I was in a small room with a window and a door then door opened a man came in wearing a white coat. Ah I see that you have woken up.yes if have who are and were I'm I . my name is doctor deern and your in a safe place now.  He picked and took me out if the room experiment 2371 is heading your way now he said into a small radio. Experiment I said. Sir what do you mean by experiment. 2371 I asked. Oh your one of our testing children. You see your not human your a demon and we want to find a way to take that a way from you so can be normal said doctor deern. What do mean normal what if I don't want to be normal i said. Oh your going to be normal said doctor deern. 
Many experiment later.
I lay quite in my room the door opens I know what time it is . nooo please leave me alone. He grab me no please please I don't want to do this anymore. Please I beg of you .  2371 someone is here to see you.  Someone is here to see me but I don't know anyone

adopted by gene SimmonsWhere stories live. Discover now