It's only the Beginning (Chapter 1)

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I'm Kynnedy. My friends call me K...or ruder names...Some people call me weird and I tell them, 'I'll take that as a compliment.'
"Hey, retard." Jennifer taunted, strutting over to me.  
Jennifer is the most popular girl at my school and a so-called friend of mine. I hate humanity and am sadly still a part of it.
I think life hates me, but that's okay because I hate it too.
My life is soooo wonderful and if you can't tell by that statement alone I am a very sarcastic and dramatic person. Anyways, back to Jennifer.
"What do you need," I filed my eyes, exasperated.
"Well your family definitely has to take care of," she said with mock concern. 
"Oookay?" I attempted to stay calm and relaxed.
"What's the family business?"
"Well they're taking your dad to jail for the third time this year, and I know you won't tell me why, but this time they said it might be a life sentence!" She said
"Thanks, but I have to get there and see what happened this time!" I turned around to leave.
"Wait, I know what happened! " She said. I stopped.
"You do...?" I said, very surprised.
"Yes, and about the other two times!" She said smugly.
This is the first time a person who knows what my dad has done hasn't lost their marbles. I was definitely surprised on how the word spread so quickly and how she was still calm.
"Then what happened this time?" I retorted.
"Well, he got really drunk and threw your 3 year old brother into the pond and then said, 'Kynnedy's next!' Your neighbors saw the whole thing. They must be traumatized, and somehow your brother is still alive! Can you believe it? Your father is nuts!"
"Especially when he's drunk." I mumbled, sniffling. I struggled to keep my composure. Just another thing to tack on the list of what he's done to us. What a great start to the day.

And this is only the beginning

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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