Family Problems

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Chapter Six: Raising a Kid?

        The light disappeared and I realized I was frozen and so was Alyssa. I tried to bring the sword down, but it would't budge. "What the fuck" I said, I started to hear giggling from Alyssa and she said "Haha can't kill me!" she stuck her tongue out. I heard a familiar cold voice "When I release the spell you two won't attack each other, okay?" grim said appearing on the side of us. I sighed and said "yes sir" Alyssa agreed also. Once the spell was dropped I pushed my sword down towards Alyssa.

        The sword landed close to her neck, but not touching her. She took a sigh of relief and stood up, and brushed her self off. Grim said "For a minute I thought you killed her" he chuckled. I put my sword on my back and turned back to human. Grim told me and Alyssa we can continue our feud afterwards, and after he said that he teleported Alyssa out of his house. Grim started to walk, so I followed "So what's up Grim" I asked while cleaning my sword. Grim walked to a room and opened it, and said "Here he is darling." I looked into the room and dropped my sword, and slowly took off my mask.

        I saw the little girl run towards me and hug my legs. I kneeled down and hugged her back just as tight. How could I forget her through all the events I forgot my little cousin. Grim walked back down the dark hall leaving us alone to have a moment. I hugged her tighter and picked her up and said, "Roxie... how are you..?" I tried to hold my tears back. She replied "I'm doing better now... I thought you were dead" as she finished her sentence she hugged harder. I walked back to my room and sat her on my bed, and asked "How did you find me?!" I asked excitingly, because I live in the underworld now its impossible to get here as a human. I lifted up the back of her shirt and saw welts and bruises on her back.

        As Roxie told me her story of how she got here, and how Grim had found her like he found me slowly dying. She realized I couldn't be dead due to the fact my outfit was gone including my swords. When she found that out she ran away from home searching for me, and she even managed to sneak on a plane to Japan, but when the winter hit she was caught in a three day blizzard close to death Grim found her and saw she was in need of assistance. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead as she fell asleep. I cliched my fists and put my sword on my back and put my mask on. I whispered "Don't worry Roxie no one while hurt us anymore." I teleported in front of a house and looked up as lighting flashed and it started raining. 

        I disappeared when the lighting stopped, and re-appeared into the house. The living room was dark except for the lighting turning the room white. I walked through the kitchen which reeked of spoiled food and saw a piece of paper with Roxie's picture on it. As I read the paper said "Missing Daughter, ran away due to death of cousin." I crumpled the paper up and proceeded upstiars. I heard a TV on, as I peeked down the hall I saw the light under the door. I walked up to the door and before I touched the knob I felt a hand on my leg.

        I turned and looked down, Roxie stared back up at me. I whispered "What are you doing here?! You're suppose to be sleep Missy." She replied "I wanted to watch" I focused more on her "Watch what? There's nothing for you to see." She nodded, smiled and said "Yes there is, you're going to kill them, so I want to watch." She might be seven, but she has a mind of a murder. I sighed and said "Fine, but remember you wanted to watch." I opened the door and saw a man sit up and go for his gun. I threw my knife and pinned his wrist against the wall. I through another and busted the TV screen making it completely dark. I slit the man's chest wide open watching the organs fall onto the floor, before I turned a gunshot went off.

        The bullet hit too far to the left I turned and saw my aunt holding a gun at me. I walked slowly towards her and said "Are you going to shoot again?" I realized she was holding a revolver and counted five more shots. She fired 4 more I deflected all of them with my sword. I told her in a mocking voice "Last shot make it count." I saw Roxie run and hug her and say "Mommy!" She held Roxie and as they hug I heard the last shot go off.

        I saw Roxie holding the gun and her mother laying down bleeding from the stomach. Roxie said in a frustrated manner "Damn... too low." I put my sword on my back and watch the events unfold. Roxie pulled the knife out the TV and slowly pushed down on her mother's chest. She screamed in agonizing pain. Finally when the knife was fully in her chest Roxie pulled the knife out and started stabbing her chest uncontrollably. After Roxie finished all that was left of her mother's chest was a whole, she stabbed her so many times that the spine was visible. Roxie pulled out the organs, and continued to stab that is why the spine was visible. Then she passed out and lightly snored.

        I picked her up and left out the front door. As the sun rose my suit disappeared. While my suit disappeared I wiped the blood from Roxie's face. I yawned and realized I will now have to raise Roxie. With that thought I continued to think, where would she go to school, how will she fit in underworld school and many other possibilities. I sighed as I walked, but realized I could teleport, so I teleported and laid Roxie down in her bed. I walked back to my room and laid down and thought to myself one last time. I whispered out loud "A sixteen year old raising a child half his age." I closed my eyes before I drifted off to sleep I felt a figure sit on my chest. I opened my eyes and saw purple eyes slightly covered by purple hair and a smile. The female figure said "I finally found you sweety."

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