Why there shouldn't be homework

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Thanks for reading <3 this text is used for humorous reasons, and to prove a point. I will admit, this started off as my English homework. LOL! Thanks again! Enjoy!!!!!!


Why there shouldn't be homework

Well, a lot of us hate homework, it's obvious. That's people including me. I like to spend my afternoons playing with my cat, looking up strange but cute fashion trends and sketching. I also have other hobbies like Dancing and Horse Riding.

Quite a few people don't get the luxuries to have horses and other animals that I do. With homework in my way I don't have enough time to spend with the fun stuff at home. When students reach High school homework becomes a big thing. And I mean big in two different ways, there's a lot more of it and if you don't do it you get kicked up the butt by your teacher (not literal speaking, but it's still terrible).

There is, the punishments. When teacher could be assessing students work or having a coffee break in the staff room, they have to sit in a classroom and punish the students who didn't do their homework. It's a waste of time for both the teachers and the students. The students have to sit in a dusty classroom and do nothing but either stare at a wall or write lines. What are the teachers doing in the meantime? Playing angry birds?

Sometimes when the 'my dog ate my homework' scheme doesn't work kids prefer to wag class to skip the punishments or 'hand in' time. This is bad because it encourages kids to wag classes more and more so they won't get into trouble for not doing/bringing their homework. Then of course they will miss out on learning time which could easily make up for it, if they were to behave well.

There's the stress, which is annoying for, once again, both teachers and students. The teachers have to stress on what homework to hand to what student, finding a good source/website, who handed their homework in or not, make sure it's all marked down and they didn't miss anybody, and what marks to give who. As for the students, well lets say it's the most annoying part of the night when people like me could be sketching or texting friends. It's also frustrating when you can't remember what homework was supposed to be done and what if you forgot about one completely? True story, I thought I had all my homework done and was dumb enough to think I could finally relax but no, the next morning it was talk of my friendship circle. It was very embarrassing and awfully annoying when the teacher yelled at me. Nobody likes being yelled at, so why not make this one less thing to stress over?

And so to conclude this very long speech/paper I will simply say this; both students and probably quite a few teachers hate homework. Why should we have to use up our free 'home time' just because we have to do work that could be done at school. Responsibility you say? Well quite a few of us are responsible enough with jobs and after school hobbies. There are also other things I didn't even ponder on like chores and parental opinion, but we don't want to be wasting our time reading my homework do we?

By LightBunny11

(this, I'm sure of it, was homework so if it isn't I just wrote an interesting paper on something uninteresting, thanks for your time)

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