Quote 2

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"Searching for a heart to love, it's like staring at the stars above. There's a million I can see, but only one that shines for me. So I'll keep searching for a heart to love."


"Searching for a heart to love, it's like staring at the stars above. You can't teach a heart to feel what isn't there, what isn't real. So I'll keep searching for a heart to love."

These are two beautiful song lyrics from the beautiful song "Heart to love" by Passenger

I love how he compares searching for someone to love with staring at the stars, because there are millions of people in this world, but only that one specific person you really love. Also the second quote is so true, you can't make someone love you if he/she just doesn't. It's not their fault and it's important to know and accept that. If this person doesn't love you back, it's just not the right one. So if anyone doesn't love you back, don't be angry at them and don't say it's their fault, that's the only way to stay friends instead of breaking up the contact because of it. It's hard to move on and get over it, but just keep on searching for a heart to love

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