A Reason

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One small thing brings us into this world. Once that small thing does bring us, it chooses where our path is, who we are. Then it takes us through and helps guide us of who we are supposed to become. Hi, my name is Autumn Walker. I was born October the third in Evergreen Hospital, my mom was so proud of me. My father wasn't there, he had a business meeting. He was at those a lot when I was little, which part of me believes that why I'm here, in this position, but yet again, once mom started becoming backtracked on taxes, I knew I was one of the problems keeping her, so at the age of five, I had gotten a job. I was a weird child, it was no secret,but it wasn't expected that I would've done what I had done.No one, not even myself could've have seen it coming, but as I had said, our paths are already made for us. There are just things which get in our path. So, on my birthday, only at sex years old I had made a choice. I had went into my mother's room and hugged her, she asked me what was wrong, all I simply said was "I love you" she was confused, I could tell,but yet said it back so I went back in my room. I grabbed my bags and climbed out of the window of the trailer. I set off to a journey unknown, no one could ever even predict what would've happened to me outside the world I lived in, not even me myself,but I had plans and I was determined to finish them. No one could stop me. I was on my own. I started to walk away from what  was once my home, there was no turning back. I took a deep breath and smiled. I was afraid yet excited. Excited to start my new life. I loved my mother, but I would just hold her back. I don't belong here, so I was set off to find where I did belong. I never saw my mother again after that night.. I wonder where she is now, but I don't let it drag me down, I have places to be and things to do, and like that one year, that one day, for that one hour. No one can stop me.

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