Chapter 2

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I held my side with my hand and watched blood seep through the leather.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" I screamed. I bent over in pain.

"Initiation noob," he said in a weird accent. All I was used to was villagers grunting. "I'm Tom, AKA Syndicate, team Dianite,"

"What is Dianite?" I asked. "What are you?"

"What do you mean what am I? I'm just like you, mate,"
I knew it! There were more people like me!
"Well, what is Dianite?" The name somehow sounded familiar to me.
"The God of all things bad and evil. He is enemies with the God Mianite, who the Realm of Mianite is named after. He is the God of everything good. There is also Ianite-"
All of a sudden I got a vision.

*A woman with purple hair reaching her knees, carried a baby. As she flew through The End on her dragon, a darkness overwhelmed her, and killed everything on spot.
"Go, go!" She yelled to the dragon. Right as the woman was about to reach her temple, the shadow caught up to her, and took her baby away*

Tom said something that I didn't hear.
"Yeah," I plainly answered
"Umm, I asked, where are you from?"
"Huh? Oh, I uh, I er I don't have a home. I travel from village to village," I stumbled over my words. "What is Ianite the God of again?"
"She's so boring, she's such a bitch. She is the God of- she is Sweden. She is neutral. She and her followers only do the right opens sensible thing. She's so boring."

"Yo, Tom, what did up you say about my God?"

Ianite's DaughterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora