Just a Prank, But Of Course Not

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It was their first time visiting London. Although they had a tight schedule and only had a little free time, the weeks simply were the best time in Dylan and Shen Yue's life.

After his talk with Caesar, Dylan finally admitted to himself that for the first time in his life, he was in love. The thing was, he was sure that he would stick to this girl. Call it undoubtedly cliché to think like that for his first love, yet he knew it. The feeling came from deep inside his heart. And he knew it could be nothing but true.

He was only 19. Still, he wanted Shen Yue as the girl who would be there beside him, through all the stages of his life. He wanted to be there beside her through every stages of her life as well.

And what other place would be better to confess his feelings to the girl that filled his heart and mind if not in the classic, one and only London?


After filming the last scene in London, Dylan disappeared. Shen Yue didn't know where he go to, he told her nothing. That was a bit strange, since he usually told her whenever he wanted to go somewhere, where would he be, and what he would do to not be able to reply her texts. It was something he did without her ever requesting it, and she in return did the same, and over the course of six months of filming the drama, it had become a habit between them.

Shrugging it off as just one of his antics, she told herself that maybe he was just buying some souvenirs for his family. Luckily, Darren, Connor and Caesar were in London as well, so she had friends to hang out with.

The crew and cast who were there had a dinner together that night in the restaurant used as "Yue Jie's restaurant". Dylan appeared exactly before they began dining.

It was a heart-warming and fun dinner. They all felt like a family already. Shen Yue was sure they would all continue their friendship and it would keep flourishing, even long after they finished working together.

Dylan sat beside her all through dinner, but it was something so usual. However, she was a bit surprised when their goodbye that night was brief and a bit bland. They were all driven to their hotel in the same car. The five cast stayed at the same hotel and at the same floor. Dylan merely waved at her and his manager before walking into his room.

Shen Yue didn't expect that. She expected.....she wasn't really sure what. She thought they would at least chat together long into the night, since she didn't know when else they would be together in one place again. There was still the launching and other promotional events, but it would never be the same.

The night felt like a moment that would never be repeated.

But he had left just like that.

She had thought they had something. At least, she thought they were best friends, after being so close with each other for six months.

Was she wrong? Would they drift apart quickly after they returned to China?

She didn't know. She had a feeling it would be so.

With a sinking heart, Shen Yue then entered her own hotel room.


An hour later, after Shen Yue finished packing and showering, she heard the bell rang. Thinking it was her manager, she walked to the door so casually. Only after she was a meter away from the door, it crossed her mind that it might not be her manager.

She stood on her toes to peek at the door's peephole.

It was Dylan.

She was so shocked she directly opened her door, forgetting she was really underdressed.

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